DIY Electrostatics

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I fell in love with the electrostatic transparency but never did fork out the horrendous amount to purchase one myself. So did anyone out there ever built the DIY electrostatic from the // ? Pls share your building and listening experience ok ? Thanks.
A friend of mine went with Metaxas, and there was so much trouble in building etc. that I would never ever consider going with them

The situation is probably even worse for George Lucas stuff. Search the web and newsgroups (dejanews) and make up your own mind.

As I said, the Lucas outfit and the Metaxas outfit are unlikely to provide you with a good experience. Search the web for alternatives. Sanders is the original man, and I believe he has an offering these days.

But then again, don't take my word for it, search Usenet and then decide.


Suggest you contact Barry Waldron at the ESL information exchange. Barry knows his stuff and is a great fellow to deal with. He can set you up with pre-built ESL panels from Roger Sanders at Eros Sound and get you well on your way with the electronics.
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