I hope I am saying this right? I am building a box for a friend with the extra wood I have laying around my garage. It is for a fostex fe126en driver's in their 10.5 liter box which is 0.37 cubic feet? ( If I did this right?). I want to change the length and width of the front baffle. Will this change the sound of the driver's? The box will be 9 inch tall by 7.25 inch wide by 10 inch deep. That's ( 0.377 ) cubic feet. So that's on target. Is the port going to be okay with a smaller baffle? Or do I rework it around this new box change? Just trying to make the box look slimmer so it's more appealing to my friend. Thanks Jeff
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You won't change the sound of the driver because the driver's sound is innate. You will however, change the sound of the speaker taken as a system somewhat given the different diffraction frequencies etc. Since the 126 is relatively directional, the effects aren't likely to be massive on this front. Likewise, unless you make extreme changes, the box tuning (& therefore the vent dimensions) will not be affected. More of an issue is likely to be the fact that the 126 isn't much cop in a bass reflex enclosure for most western listening situations, although providing they're on the end of a high output impedance amp (which Fostex largely assumed to be the case for these units), the response will be somewhat better than a bald alignment assumption based on a pure voltage source.
Okay thanks for your advise. I know from reading posts on this forum and the late ( rip ) full range driver forum that the ported boxes are okay but, not the best sounding for this driver. I had someone I know just check it in leap design but, it came up as a sealed box was ideal for the fostex driver. Well unless he typed some wrong number in some where? Also Is it okay if I pm you with a idea I had but, didn't want to be a long winded typer ( like I am )? Jeff
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That depends what you call 'ideal'. It can be used in a sealed box providing you are happy with essentially zero LF. The 126 was designed to be used in back-horns on single-ended valve amplifiers (that comes from the person who designed them). I have very little free time at present, but you can always ask here, it's what the forums are for, and there are plenty of knowledgable people here.
Is my ideal box is to complicated and will take some time to design and tweek. Okay I understand your busy so yes that's what the forums are for. So Yes the fostex are designed for back loaded horns but, some of us don't have the room ( the person my building them for ) or I would asked what box would work with these driver's size no restrictions. Jeff
Yes there is on troilstravis web site. I took a screen shot of numbers he got in them? I hope this helps? Jeff
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Hmm, I saw that, but it's an 'E', not an 'EN', which at least in published form has considerably different specs.
edit: that said, I should have read the rest of the thread first and since your cab will be a bit bigger there's more tuning flexibility to offset some spec variance, so carry on.......
edit: that said, I should have read the rest of the thread first and since your cab will be a bit bigger there's more tuning flexibility to offset some spec variance, so carry on.......
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the fact that the 126 isn't much cop in a bass reflex enclosure for most western listening situations
This blog post is relevant: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/blogs/planet10/967-fe126en-factory-reflex-cruel-joke.html
I have done an "optimal" reflex enclosure for the FE126En for use with FH3 as a centre channel.
This blog post is relevant: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/blogs/planet10/967-fe126en-factory-reflex-cruel-joke.html
I have done an "optimal" reflex enclosure for the FE126En for use with FH3 as a centre channel.
Thanks Dave. I was waiting for you to chime in? Jeff
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Oops I must have missed that little detail the E series not the EN series. Jeff
So you're saying you have an 'E'?
OK, so we're back at square 1, i.e. any measured specs or are 'we', including Dave, using published?
Well I am thinking about building that center channel for the fe126en that Dave from planet 10 hifi posted but, other then that am back to square 1 now. I couldn't find any measured info on the fostex driver's other then what fostex has put out. Jeff
P.s. I am still open for other options or boxes for these driver's. Jeff
P.s. I am still open for other options or boxes for these driver's. Jeff
Even more confusing in that i called modified FE126e -> FE126eN. Captialization is important. FE126En -> FE126eN2
Yes Dave I agree but, your units are one of a kind and it's fostex on a super charge level. Its kinda dumb on fostex's part to call their driver's en and could have changed it to ee. Jeff
I couldn't find any measured info on the fostex driver's other then what fostex has put out.
I always start with the factory data. It usually works out.
see attached.
Thanks again Dave. You also come thru with flying color's. Wow that's a whole lot of driver's.. Not to get off the subject but, Dave do you using anything else but, the woofer tester #2? I was thinking of getting another one due to a friend having some sin woofer driver's with no name on them and they need to be measured for him to make some boxes? I wish it has a buzz and rub test? Jeff
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Interesting, I only asked since enough folks have stated that Fostex specs were far off enough to matter and the smaller the cab the more difference it can make, though in the Fonken designs the damped ports obviously do much to minimize all but the worst discrepancies.
Don't have MathCad loaded, but wonder how well the folded RS 40-1197 ML-Voigt would work? It has a bit of a smooth BLH presence about it.
Interesting, I only asked since enough folks have stated that Fostex specs were far off enough to matter and the smaller the cab the more difference it can make, though in the Fonken designs the damped ports obviously do much to minimize all but the worst discrepancies.
Don't have MathCad loaded, but wonder how well the folded RS 40-1197 ML-Voigt would work? It has a bit of a smooth BLH presence about it.
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