Decware DFR 8 in Open Baffle

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Does anyone have experience with the Decware DFR 8 modified Fostex Fe 206? I intend purchasing a set to install in large Open Baffles for use in a large room (30' x 16' x 10' )and would be particularly interested in hearing from others who have used this driver (or similar) in Open Baffles. Modelling the behaviour of OB's seems to be as dangerous an exercise as back horns!
If possible, I would like to avoide using baffle step correction and rely on room gain to compensate for LF losses. I have looked at the Decware forums, but would certainly appreciate any advice or suggestions from DIY Audio forum members. Integrating something this large into the lounge room and maintaining the WifeAcceptanceFactor will be the hardest bit!
I assume you're planning on using it with dedicated bass drivers (?), because run solo, that unit will have no LF at all on a simple baffle. The Visaton B200 with its ~0.7 Q can just about get away with it, but the Decware is a low Q driver with a high[ish] mass corner, so LF isn't exactly what it does well, at least not without some major help from the cabinet, electrical compensation, or additional woofers.

OB modelling isn't 'dangerous', any more than horn modelling is dangerous. You just have to know what the software can (and, equally important, cannot ) do, and how to interpret the raw data. It can't design a speaker for you, but it can help you narrow down options very quickly, if it's used properly. So I'd advise you not to rule it out -you might find it a Godsend.
Glens said:
Does anyone have experience with the Decware DFR 8 modified Fostex Fe 206? I intend purchasing a set to install in large Open Baffles for use in a large room (30' x 16' x 10' )and would be particularly interested in hearing from others who have used this driver (or similar) in Open Baffles. Modelling the behaviour of OB's seems to be as dangerous an exercise as back horns!

As Scott indicated above, without some woofers you will have no significant bass output. I would recommend using two Eminence Alpha 15A woofers per side to match the efficiency of the FE-206E.

In my opinion, designing an OB system is far easier then any type of resonant enclosures including sealed box, ported box, or any of the TL/horn hybrids. Simple tools exist to get the design right and there are only a few variables to juggle. If you read the OB design article on my site it should provide some guidance for selecting appropriate drivers and what you can expect to achieve.

If possible, I would like to avoide using baffle step correction and rely on room gain to compensate for LF losses.

A baffle step correction is not required for an OB. The room will not provide the type of room gain that is used to advantage in a box speaker. I have found that OB designs are less sensitive to the type and size of the room. As long as you don't try and place an OB right against a wall it will probably work well in your room.

I have looked at the Decware forums, but would certainly appreciate any advice or suggestions from DIY Audio forum members. Integrating something this large into the lounge room and maintaining the WifeAcceptanceFactor will be the hardest bit!

My advice, don't look at the Decware forums. Look here or at the AudioCircles OB forum.

Can't help with the WAF issue, but I am convinced with the correct set of drivers there is no need for a baffle wider than 20 inches to provide decent bass down into the 40-50 Hz range.
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