Well, I put together a quick and simple DC power supply for my automotive active x-over, but now I'd like to try running it with a power supply with a higher voltage. Right now the x-over is getting +6/-6. Is there anything out there that can give me around +15/-15 from a 12v (actually about 13.8v) source?
I'm willing to build if necessary, but I don't even know where to begin looking for schematics.
thanks in advance
I'm willing to build if necessary, but I don't even know where to begin looking for schematics.
thanks in advance
To power a crossover only? You should be able to whip up a low-current supply fairly easily using a charge-pump type converter. Take a look in here:
Also look at the datasheet etc. for the ICL7662 (Maxim & others). Maybe all you need is a + to - converter; it does that but it is a very versatile part.
Also look at the datasheet etc. for the ICL7662 (Maxim & others). Maybe all you need is a + to - converter; it does that but it is a very versatile part.
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