Dayton spa500dsp spa250dsp low output. Looks like need line level boost

Tried spa250dsp, spa500dsp and both sound underpowered.
Volume needs to be all the way up at 0db
I've read other people with same issue with these amps. Need to crank volume all the way and boost subwoofer out all the way to sort of match subwoofer volume to speakers volume
I think Dayton dsp amps need like 4v line level to reach full power

Receivers I use only have 1v max pre amp output

I am feeding both left and right rca inputs. Anyway to change sensitivity of Dayton dsp line level input.
The SPA 500DSP manual lists RCA input sensitivity at -10dBV for 520watt output at 4 ohm.
-10dBV is .316 volts RMS, .9 volts peak to peak.
The input sensitivity is reduced by -6 dB when set to "HI-Level", perhaps you have that switch engaged, which would require twice the drive voltage for full output.

The 5 band PEQ could be used to add +6 dB gain per filter, using the lowest "Q" factor of .4 gives the widest bandwidth filter, approximately 3 octaves wide.
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My spa250:
(home use, of course)
Room: 83 M3
2x Dtqwt (150 liters / 95 Db / 1w / 1m each)
2x JBL reflex (80 Liters 96 Db / 1w / 1m each)
High level connection in 38 watts per tube amplifier channel.
Knob gain in 12 Hs
Cross knob 40 ~ 60 Hz (no marks on it)
Note that all cabinets are high performance, so I think 250 watts for a system with lower sensitivity cabinets would not be enough.

PD: The bass boost is disconnected, I imagine that the SPA500 DSP does not have it or need it.
I hope that helps.