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Daves custom work for treatment AAA+++

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Well just a plug for Dave nice work.Nothing new for me to have these drivers treated by Dave but rather a good plug for Dave.😀

Dave did the treatment on these SDX7 woofers as well as WR125S driver for a customer of mine who I am doing a custom center channel for.This customer has the original EXTREMIS woofers in is main 3 way speakers and wanted a center channel.We started talking and my customer liked the OLD speaker I sold in kit forum *** well as finished my APEX LCR.So we started a custom version as my customer wants to use the Fostex tweeter.After some back and forth my customer contacted Dave to do the treatment on the mid and woofers.

As I am no longer building speakers or selling kits I am sure Dave will not mind the plug for his fine work.
Well done.


SDX7 WR125S Enable treated drivers
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