DACs in preamp mode with high output voltage

Does anybody know DACs that has a preamp mode with digital volume control but has rather high output voltage swing when set at max. volume?
E.g. XLR out is normally up to 4-5 Vpp. Could be nice with e.g. 8-9Vpp. Set to fixed (non-preamp) it could still be line level.
Thank you for this advice. I will look more into RME DAC's!
I currently use a Cambridge Dacmagic 200m which I like and it gives just enough output for most tracks in my setup. For some tracks I could use just a little more. I like to run the digital volume close to max. so I ensure that the impact on the music is low. So I have "tuned" the gain in my system for that. It could be nice if all digital recording was recorded close to max. level. Then Dacmagic would be just fine!
Could be interesting to see a test of this DAC. I could not find it on the list.
I have just switched from Tidal to Qobuz so I don't need a MQA DAC anymore. This gives more freedom to select a DAC in the future.
Now when I have no troubles with bandwidth streaming hires 24/192 I wonder what the mission for MQA is. I can't see any benefit other than if bandwidth was limited so streaming FLAC 24/192 or 24/96 was not possible.
The DacMagic 200M is supposed to have a 4.2 V RMS maximum differential output level, so 11.8794 V peak-to-peak differential. That's well above the 9 V peak-to-peak you ask for in the opening post. https://www.cambridgeaudio.com/row/en/products/hi-fi/dacmagic/dacmagic-200m

Are you referring to the level from one pin to ground rather than differential?

By the way, I wish digital recordings were not recorded so damn loud. Many are above 0 dBFS true peak level, causing hard clipping in most DACs. But that's another topic.
OK......yes,....I can see that my numbers I asked for is not correct.
The purpose was to find a DAC that could give a bit more output than the DacMagic 200m.
I was writing to Cambridge support and got this answer:

"Yes you should get a cleaner signal from the balanced XLR output.
This is a true balanced output and the max output voltage is 2.2v for RCA and 4.4v for XLR."

I was reading this as pp but it is RMS......my fault.

200m needs 12V DC in. I changed the wall-mount SMPS to a silent linear supply.

I also wondered about the input voltage spec. for RME (9-15V DC).....that if 9V is sufficient that it could go above 200m.

Cambridge support also wrote that the DAC in preamp mode goes above line level. So I can get more output in preamp mode than if I set it to fixed output.

Apart from that RME DAC's very nice.......

It is surprising how much difference there can be in recording levels. I like the loud ones..... 🙂
My output stage is a SIT (VFET) source follower stage so it has no voltage gain.
After the DAC I do have a pre-amp stage (without any vol. control) that has 6 dB voltage gain.
Using the Cambridge 200m DAC I have enough volume in 95% of the tracks I listen to. I use 94-95 dB speakers.
I am looking at the moment at a PS Audio "Stellar gain cell DAC". It has older ESS chips than the 200m but can still do 24/192 (but only DSD128 where 200m can do DSD512). But it has a real pre-amp built-in it seems and can do 12 dB gain so maybe it could be usably for streaming. Even older chips can be good I assume if the electronics around it is ok.
After the DAC I do have a pre-amp stage (without any vol. control) that has 6 dB voltage gain.
Have you consider to increase it's gain twice, if it possible?
Or to put additional differential stage with gain 2-3 ? It maybe very simple - OPA1632/LME49724 + 4 resistors (+ 2 capacitors at the power pins,of course).
It might be easier than finding a DAC with such a high output voltage.
The pre-amp stage is quite special. It has a matched JFET (2SK170/2SJ74) buffer driving a small transformer with High Ni core.
It can be set to 12 dB gain but I have plans of making it in the balanced version and this version it a 1:1 from the XLR of DAC to SE (RCA to power amp). So I will not get any more voltage to the power amp than the 6 dB setting I use now. But I have considered to add an extra gain stage in the BAL version of the preamp stage. If I don't find a good solution I will live with "as-is" 🙂

PS Audio:
Ok I will check if the Stellar DAC with gain cell has been tested.
Now that I am not dependent on MQA hardware after switching to Qobuz then a DIY DAC could be an option and then implement the needed gain in the DAC. But I also want to avoid a resistive element as vol control and I don't know if DIY DACs has digital vol control implemented.
Yes, I know it is difficult to compete with low noise opamps......
It is a couple of these I have:

To get extra gain an AVT could also be a possibility as I like the solution with "iron" as voltage gain stage.
I will have a listening session tonight together with a friend and will se how much we miss a bit of extra gain.
The pre-amp stage is quite special. It has a matched JFET (2SK170/2SJ74) buffer driving a small transformer with High Ni core.
It can be set to 12 dB gain but I have plans of making it in the balanced version and this version it a 1:1 from the XLR of DAC to SE (RCA to power amp). So I will not get any more voltage to the power amp than the 6 dB setting I use now. But I have considered to add an extra gain stage in the BAL version of the preamp stage. If I don't find a good solution I will live with "as-is" 🙂

PS Audio:
Ok I will check if the Stellar DAC with gain cell has been tested.
ufficio you have an iron pre like me remember that the k170/j74 input stage cant handle more than what your current DAC is producing. remember the k170/j74 psu is +-15v
you could put a second hi ni transformer after the first one to have 6db extra gain.
Yes, it is the SE version of the IronPre in the moment.
Yes, input is limited by.....to be on the save side......maybe -+12V.
I know that some have put an AVT at the output after the Hi-Ni Cinemag.
I will try out 12 dB gain setting and see how that works. Then the BAL version I will build will work but will work better with a power amp that also has a bit of voltage gain. I have some of those power amps also 🙂
But good to warn about the input limitation of the IronPre.......so that will discard the PS Audio Stellar DAC unless it is used as the only preamp.......but then it is less "DIY".
I like they specify 24/192 at Toslink. I have often wondered why digital coax has better specifications than Toslink (like 24/192 vs 24/96).
Fiber optics is a more modern technology than coax. I use coax (spdif) over Toslinks to get 24/192.....

I had some hours listening test tonight together with a friend and think I found out why I am after a bit more gain.
It seems Tidal has about 2 dB or so more gain than Qobuz. I have just switched to Qobuz but still has Tidal so I can compare. So it can't be the same file even if it is same quality (e.g. CD). After I switched to Qobuz I feel for some tracks I need just a bit more gain. Not so with Tidal.

Apart from that......Sissel Kyrkjebø.....did not show up on Qobuz!........but easy on Tidal.
I wonder what our Norwegian friends say to that? 🙂