DAC AD1862: Almost THT, I2S input, NOS, R-2R

Did you expect it from such a simple DIY? 😀
The main advantage is that AD1862 never cause a fatigue to hearing even after a day of listening to various recordings. The fatique is well known in delta-sigma DACs ... but it is also recognizable with R-2Rs that use digital filters ... I call it "digital fatigue" 😀
Do an experimenting with different opamps 🙂
Did you expect it from such a simple DIY? 😀
The main advantage is that AD1862 never cause a fatigue to hearing even after a day of listening to various recordings. The fatique is well known in delta-sigma DACs ... but it is also recognizable with R-2Rs that use digital filters ... I call it "digital fatigue" 😀
Do an experimenting with different opamps 🙂

I had the volume up at a nice level and when Bruce Springsteen came on, one of hos songs has a quite loud harmonica. I felt myself getting ready to wince, because most the time those types of sounds are shrill and fatiguing. Right when it would have been shrill, I notice it isn't, it leaves out the shrill part and just includes the nice harmonics, like in person.
NO, I did not expect this from this easy of a project, my wife appreciates it also, she noticed a very dramatic change. I turned the stereo off to watch football and she asked why I turned it off, that NEVER happens.

Thanks so much for this very nice project. I'll try some different opamps, I'm using NE5534 as the base, as soon as the rest come in.
BTW, it sounded this good with mismatched opamps and sitting in a cardboard box with no shielding, it was still a black hole between songs and with low level songs.

By the "jump" do you mean "short"? No, never short capacitors (no jumper).
A lower stability at high frequencies can occur without the capacitor - for a voltage feedback operational amplifier (VFA). This capacitor is not given at all for a current feedback operational amplifier (CFA), because it would practically worsen the stability 🙂
It's more for testing than for theory, but in my opinion you can skip the capacitor - the sound can be better without this capacitor (I don't put this capacitor in there).
Crazy reading about it is in TI report SBAA150A.


So is there any way to get the resolution go beyond 96Khz?
I have music files of various resolution up to 24/384.
The only way to be trouble free playing is to set the upsampling to 96Khz.
Bitrate works at all 16/24/32 with no problem.
Otherwise, it will have distortion.

I love the SQ of AD1862.
(My AD1865 dac can handle everything. )