DAC AD1862: Almost THT, I2S input, NOS, R-2R

AD1862, I2SoverUSB v.III, 20-Bit uf.l connectors

This version has the stacked possibility for I2SoverUSB v.III USB board.
It is without the shift registers logic army, therefore it needs 20-Bit PCM data (PCB has uf.l connectors, normal connectors, or I2SoverUSB v.III board option).

I2SoverUSB board needs to have the J4 jumper installed.
Short respective SJ jumper for power supply option:
- either short SJ1 & SJ2 ... the whole I2SoverUSB board will be powered from USB, no isolation)
- or short SJ3 and I2SoverUSB crystals will be powered from external power supply (+5VD from DAC), isolation is preserved
- another PSU options can be maintained using pins: +5VD2 and GND2

What do you think guys, is there any error? :blush:

In this version, jlsounds board is flipped upside-down. I will post another version where the board is not flipped (due to the heatsink on the board).


  • diyAudio_AD1862_DAC_v1.3_uf.l_jlsounds_2021-11-03.zip
    695 KB · Views: 170
  • diyAudio_AD1862_DAC_uf.l_jlsounds_Schematic.jpg
    788.2 KB · Views: 899
  • diyAudio_AD1862_DAC_uf.l_jlsounds_PCB-Top.jpg
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AD1862, I2SoverUSB v.III - not flipped, 20-Bit uf.l connectors

I2SoverUSB not flipped (pin-headers installed on the bottom side on I2SoverUSB) ... the heatsink and USB connector are on the TOP 🙂


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This project gets better with age like fine wine!! I love the idea of directly connecting the I2SoverUSB board to the Dac board, NO Wires!!
These files will be included in my next pcb order.

Thanks for accommodating so many requests from us 🙂

Miro, great work!!! I made some listening comparisons with my modular DAC project, the results are as follows:

  • AD1862 sounds better than PCM63
  • DF1704 sounds better than NOS
  • PMD100 sounds better than DF1704
  • 3*AD844+OPA627 sounds better than OPA627 alone
  • diamond BJT IV sounds better than opamp
The differences were not subtle, they were big in my ears (well, my ears are professionally trained since early childhood, so I know what I hear). Also I listened to SRC4392 vs. upsampling done in PC (and sent NOS to the DAC), but that was not with the AD1862: the 4392 sounded way way way better then the PC, I was really shocked. BTW the JLsound v3 sounded much better than a CM6631 based board.

Miro, if you make a new version of your project, please consider the above points: I think the AD1862 deserves the best of the best. As the PMD100 is not available any more I also bought the 16x interpolation digital filter but didn't compare it to the PMD yet. And of course if each voltage supply is regulated and filtered seperately the sound improves again by a big leap...
You really want to avoid both (JLSOUNDS and Wave I/O are frankly better), what could be usefull is an uf-l plug board version that going trough the registers for the IanCanda I2S Rpi board (that has I2S output uf-l plug outputs). The last board Miro just made for the JLSounds is also good (as the two V1.3 boards) for the ones using I2StoPCM IanCanada board that allows not to use the shifts registers.

But just my opinion (Miro will say I'm a mafioso). The ad1862 dac chip and pcb are good enough for them to offer them the best front-ends solutions as their power supplies and it do makes the difference.
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better low end, more acurate mids.

Thanks diyiggy.

The reason for asking is whether I should skip the PCM63 and go to the AD1862. Do you consider that the difference could be a function of a change in technology whereupon the AD1862 also contains MOS devices?

I ask because the reason I have the PCM63's is because they were given to me because of a Linn upgrade someone did as replacing them with PCM1702's (?) I believe. The replacement seemed more forgiving as to suggest more accurate mids. Being less analytical it also suggests better low end. Although different I still preferred the PCM63. I suspect the PCM1702 to be mos based, hence I could still prefer the PCM63 over the AD1862. Any thoughts.
Yes it's possible and they are close cousins. Some loves the mids of the PCM63. It could be a matter of taste and also marriage question with the other hifi gears and of course loudspeakers. But if you ask me, of all the chips you talk about here the AD1862 is the best if fidelity is what you're looking for and you have way to voice a DAC device towards what you prefer by carefull parts choice around the DAC chip.

really just my two cents, it's not the dac chip alone that makes all the job at what you hear at the end.