Current feedback Mosfet Circlotron

Current feedback Mosfet Circlotron : it's alive !


I present you the amp that I just realized.

This is a current feedback Mosfet Circlotron


Without Diyaudio forum and another French, this amp could never be created.

:grouphug: So thank you all the people who helped me and especially Joe Berry who gave me the Keystone of this amp, the current generator so particular that guarantee a thermal stability

:hug: A special thanks to gionag, my friend Rabbi Michele, who is the first to have made this amp and who made this great layout

YouTube : low cost phone record... but it's alive !


in real R15=500, R14=220, C3-C4= 47p




YouTube : low cost phone record... but it's alive !
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UltimateX86, сongratulations on your new design! An interesting amplifier. Did you measure the parameters of this amplifier?

moschfet. Built your circlotron, so far only one channel. But I’ll do the second channel too. Good parameters and thermal stability.
Wonderful! THD below -100dB. I hope to repeat your amplifier in the near future.
In my Patrick's amplifier, the parameters turned out a little worse. But in my version, the power of the pre-amplifier should be less so far.


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UltimateX86, сongratulations on your new design! An interesting amplifier. Did you measure the parameters of this amplifier?

moschfet. Built your circlotron, so far only one channel. But I’ll do the second channel too. Good parameters and thermal stability.

Hi Yurik, nice to see, that my circuit work and have children 🙂

I have to admit that I'm a little jealous when I see Ulti's spects 😉
Wow, a great presentation! Is it possible to share the asc file?

here it is, but change the TTA model for 2SA1360 or 2SA1381

the model is completely smoked 🙂

So in real amp we could lower the compensation, and the amp could work with these transistors too


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