LOL, it has to be a joke. No ones that stupid, surely not! I did like the teleportation system to improve your cell phone.
LOL, it has to be a joke. No ones that stupid, surely not! I did like the teleportation system to improve your cell phone.
Horoscopes are one of the most enduring and lucrative items on the internet (after porn).
Yes, many are THAT stupid.
The author claims that his work experience includes: "NASA satellite operations and radar data analysis; aerodynamics of high-performance aircraft and reentry vehicles; radio and satellite communications; spread spectrum communications."
Perhaps all that time spent in extreme RF fields somehow completely fried its brain.
Perhaps all that time spent in extreme RF fields somehow completely fried its brain.
The author claims that his work experience includes: "NASA satellite operations and radar data analysis; aerodynamics of high-performance aircraft and reentry vehicles; radio and satellite communications; spread spectrum communications."
Perhaps all that time spent in extreme RF fields somehow completely fried its brain.
Such claims seem to be common (almost obligitory) in the audiophile tweek market...
Folks, take a step back for a minute and open your minds. The properties of different crystalline structures/minerals are scientific and well researched. It you are being skeptical about something you have no knowledge of, take a few minutes and do some research. Google, quartz, tourmaline, and carborundum for starters and look for their properties, especially when it comes to coupling with RF and damping RF fields.
These crystals can and do damp RF energy. Now whether the coupling/damping properties will lead to an audible improvement in your audio systems performance I cannot say-but there is no reason to believe that appropriate application of these materials will not make a sonic difference in a very high resolution system.
Folks, take a step back for a minute and open your minds. The properties of different crystalline structures/minerals are scientific and well researched. It you are being skeptical about something you have no knowledge of, take a few minutes and do some research. Google, quartz, tourmaline, and carborundum for starters and look for their properties, especially when it comes to coupling with RF and damping RF fields.
These crystals can and do damp RF energy. Now whether the coupling/damping properties will lead to an audible improvement in your audio systems performance I cannot say-but there is no reason to believe that appropriate application of these materials will not make a sonic difference in a very high resolution system.
ROFL, sorry but! Sticking a little bag of crystals to your cable! Now make the cable with chains of quartz then do some scientific repeatable experiments to show that it does make a difference and I will take the time to do that research! This claim is just silly. The other claims such as teleportaion to fix your sound system should IMHO tell you not to waste your time. I have better things to do than research such fluff.
Folks, take a step back for a minute and open your minds...
Extraordanary claims require extraordinary proof.
So, you take a step forward and offer a reasonable hypothesis on how these stones would do any of the things claimed for them. Sure, many crystals can be shown ot have resonant frequencies, but I don't recall seeing the scientific community advocating baggies of stones for RF damping. I seriously doubt that there is any reliable evidence that would suggest taping ziplok bags of stones to your interconnects is an "appropriate application" and will make ANY difference to your audio system "high resolution" or otherwise.
Of course, it probably goes over very well in the nouveau-riche stoner new-age audiophile circles, but hey, so do pyramidic cable lifters and cryogenically treated control knobs.
Claims of absorbing qualities, RF, mystical and otherwise, seem a little forward when the advice from the supplier is to tape baggies of stones to all glass fixtures in your house. Pass me the tinfoil, I need to make a new chapeau....
For myself, given the content of the rest of the dynamica site, a healthy dessertspoon full of cynicism is certainly in order. You see, the problem with an indiscriminantly open mind is it fills up with rubbish.
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Extraordanary claims require extraordinary proof.
You see, the problem with an indiscriminantly open mind is it fills up with rubbish.
ROFL. Well said! Laughter is good for the spirit.
Pass me the tinfoil, I need to make a new chapeau....
😀 Love it!
The author claims that his work experience includes: "NASA satellite operations and radar data analysis; aerodynamics of high-performance aircraft and reentry vehicles; radio and satellite communications; spread spectrum communications."
Perhaps all that time spent in extreme RF fields somehow completely fried its brain.
I can already picture the dozens of crystal baggies taped all over the satellites, cockpits & airfoils, and the weird look on his presumed colleagues' faces.
Some complain that this site gets a lot of technical claims with no real basis. I did get a little "excited" yesterday, maybe almost as much as some of the makers of the craziest sounding ones. So I breadboarded up a gain 1,000,000 non-inverting amp with both channels of an LF353 set to 1000x gain in series. +-15 volt supplies. Using a 6 volt fixed regulator I divided into a 100 ohm resistor for a 1 volt bias on the signal conductor of what looked like a 20 year old Technics tape deck cable, cut off to leave a foot. I sent the signal to the amp. I got a lot of noise and no visible signal from tapping on the cable. So I pulled off the 100 ohm resistor. The noise was then up to about 5V P-P, but nonetheless, tapping on the cable could easily clip the output. I made sure that no vibration was making it back to the breadboard, and wrapping on the bench and breadboard didn't show any response. So the test conditions had to be changed to prove a point. I wound up with a full 6 volts of bias and only 680 ohms load, but the amp did clip. I could have probably gone down to around 300 ohms and still clipped the amp without overexerting my flicking finger. The noise is mainly coming from the cheap regulator, but since I wasn't actually trying to measure the signal very accurately it was enough to see all the amp's dynamic range eaten up. Of course this is only a test of pretty much capacitive variations in the cable with vibration, and after thinking a bit I don't figure using a current would show much else to see. Interesting though, certain points on the cable were much more sensitive than others, which goes a long way to prove that consistency in layup and mechanical construction of signal cables can make a big difference (in the microphonic signal that there is). A lot of the serious cables address this, but by the same token, some of the flakier high buck products can't by design have very tight control of this, which might make little baggies have more of an effect. Anyway, there ya go. It happens to do something. A lot of guitar players know about cable microphonics, because the cable is often long and terminated with thousands of ohms. If the gain is high enough dropping a bad cable on the floor can make a big pop and ruslting it can make a lot of noise.
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And as you say, good cables take this into account. See Canare, Belden, Mogami.
Maybe burying the cables in sand would really help. Or maybe buy better cables. Also see triboelectric effect.
Maybe burying the cables in sand would really help. Or maybe buy better cables. Also see triboelectric effect.
Inspired by this I did try a big amethyst on top of my Pass F5. I could not tell any difference with or without the amethyst .Yes it is a F5 I just reused the Sumo case.
Oh really. What do you expect - you've overdosed!
What you need to do is take a 1 gram piece of the crystal, dissolve it in 100ml of water, take 1ml of that solution and dilute it with 99ml of pure water, take 1ml of that solution and dilute it with 99 ml of pure water, take 1ml of that solution and dilute it with 99ml of pure water, take 1ml of that solution and dilute it with 99 ml of pure water, take 1ml of that solution and dilute it with 99ml of pure water, take 1ml of that solution and dilute it with 99 ml of pure water then put two drops of the resulting solution in a pure lead crystal bottle aligned to magnetic north on top of your amp.
Its the ONLY true way, and you will immediately recognise an increase in air, a wider soundstage, better imaging and depth, whiter whites and an increase in your property values.
ROFL at all the 'free tips'.
Placebo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I agree, there's a fine line between open minded and gullible 😛.
Also, if you place a living animal on top of your equipment it allows the music to breathe more. Take a cat for instance, and cause it to fall asleep on top of your amp. Then take the interconnects and wrap them around its chest. Doing this synchronizes the music with the animals breathing pattern and allows the music to come to life more. Gray cats tend to give the music a colder sound while white cats tend to make it more analytical. The particles in the cats blood influence the electrical currents in the cable, so naturally you'll want to purchase a purebred cat, and feed him only hand baked bread and merlot.
Dimming the lights creates a warmer sound. Another thing to try, tape a small, thin piece of blue cloth by one side onto the ceiling 1m right of your sitting position, and 1.2m in front of it. If you live in the southern hemesphere move it an extra 14cm to the right. If you don't believe me, remove it and see if you can listen with the same pleasure.
ROFL. You see with audio, you can use the placebo effect to your advantage. Instead of spending hundreds on useless gimmicks, sit back, relax, close your eyes, forget what equipment you're listening to and it will sound better. Music always sounds better to me after I've gone a while without listening to any. Seriously though, just relaxing and focusing on the music makes you more aware of what you're hearing 😀.
Placebo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Extraordanary claims require extraordinary proof.
For myself, given the content of the rest of the dynamica site, a healthy dessertspoon full of cynicism is certainly in order. You see, the problem with an indiscriminantly open mind is it fills up with rubbish.
I agree, there's a fine line between open minded and gullible 😛.
Oh really. What do you expect - you've overdosed!
What you need to do is take a 1 gram piece of the crystal, dissolve it in 100ml of water, take 1ml of that solution and dilute it with 99ml of pure water, take 1ml of that solution and dilute it with 99 ml of pure water, take 1ml of that solution and dilute it with 99ml of pure water, take 1ml of that solution and dilute it with 99 ml of pure water, take 1ml of that solution and dilute it with 99ml of pure water, take 1ml of that solution and dilute it with 99 ml of pure water then put two drops of the resulting solution in a pure lead crystal bottle aligned to magnetic north on top of your amp.
Its the ONLY true way, and you will immediately recognise an increase in air, a wider soundstage, better imaging and depth, whiter whites and an increase in your property values.
Also, if you place a living animal on top of your equipment it allows the music to breathe more. Take a cat for instance, and cause it to fall asleep on top of your amp. Then take the interconnects and wrap them around its chest. Doing this synchronizes the music with the animals breathing pattern and allows the music to come to life more. Gray cats tend to give the music a colder sound while white cats tend to make it more analytical. The particles in the cats blood influence the electrical currents in the cable, so naturally you'll want to purchase a purebred cat, and feed him only hand baked bread and merlot.
Dimming the lights creates a warmer sound. Another thing to try, tape a small, thin piece of blue cloth by one side onto the ceiling 1m right of your sitting position, and 1.2m in front of it. If you live in the southern hemesphere move it an extra 14cm to the right. If you don't believe me, remove it and see if you can listen with the same pleasure.
ROFL. You see with audio, you can use the placebo effect to your advantage. Instead of spending hundreds on useless gimmicks, sit back, relax, close your eyes, forget what equipment you're listening to and it will sound better. Music always sounds better to me after I've gone a while without listening to any. Seriously though, just relaxing and focusing on the music makes you more aware of what you're hearing 😀.
ROFL at all the 'free tips'.
Also, if you place a living animal on top of your equipment it allows the music to breathe more. Take a cat for instance, and cause it to fall asleep on top of your amp. Then take the interconnects and wrap them around its chest. Doing this synchronizes the music with the animals breathing pattern and allows the music to come to life more. Gray cats tend to give the music a colder sound while white cats tend to make it more analytical. The particles in the cats blood influence the electrical currents in the cable, so naturally you'll want to purchase a purebred cat, and feed him only hand baked bread and merlot.
Sir, I am going to report you!!! You failed to provide necessary consumer advice!!! I tried this damn experiment. I didn't have a cat and besides I like my music young and agressive. I put my german sheppard puppy on my amplifier to try to listen critically for a change in the etheral qualities of my music. The music stopped after only one minute! My nervouse puppy peed himself over the amplifier thus destroying it.
I request you replace my gain clone. It was fitted with input capacitors of 2000 uf with a dialectric made from depleted uranium with sodium wires. Note the capacitors need to be transported in a non H2O solution.
You must be very careful with these homeopathic methods. A friend of mine was taking homeopathic medication, and one day he forgot to take it and died from an overdose.
Sir, I am going to report you!!! You failed to provide necessary consumer advice!!! I tried this damn experiment. I didn't have a cat and besides I like my music young and agressive. I put my german sheppard puppy on my amplifier to try to listen critically for a change in the etheral qualities of my music. The music stopped after only one minute! My nervouse puppy peed himself over the amplifier thus destroying it.
I request you replace my gain clone. It was fitted with input capacitors of 2000 uf with a dialectric made from depleted uranium with sodium wires. Note the capacitors need to be transported in a non H2O solution.
😱 I am deeply offended at the accusation. This all has an explanation and I assure you it's your own fault, and I am not responsible for misuse. This is no experiment, it's a fact.
You must have been to concerned with your puppy and too focused on critically listening that you totally missed the mind blowing improvement in the sound. At least the dog noticed it. The mids became so clear and clean, and the soundstage became so well defined that the fast, aggressive mids reached out into your faces and the puppy lost control of his bladder because it sounded so much better. I think it's safe to say you missed the forest for the trees on this one. You were listening critically for subtle changes so you missed the huge changes that actually occurred, and didn't realize that you and the puppy should step back from the equipment as a precaution. I'd guess you didn't wrap the interconnects around the dog's body? I find current flowing around animals has a calming effect.
As for the amp, I'll be happy to repair it for a small fee. I can't believe you would put such horrible components in it though. I mean seriously, uranium? Is this the 17th century? You must be joking. I use only the finest dragon blood and purified leper soul dielectric in natural gargoyle scales with wire composed of the pure braided hair of 1000 sacrificed maidens. The finest components for the finest price, and I'll even give you a discount since you were making a pathetic attempt at using my methods and you obviously need some help. Shall we say $1,000,000?
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