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CSS EL 70 pr for sale. $70

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am spoiled by the big sound of my Silver Iris.

The big sound can be appealing to some, i find the lack of midrange definition, and the 15" operating with a huge number of breakup mods not at all to my liking. The only OB speaker i've heard that sounded boxy because the 15s break-up modes kept drawing attention to the speaker. I'd take a set of Mar-Kels over them any day.

The big sound can be appealing to some, i find the lack of midrange definition, and the 15" operating with a huge number of breakup mods not at all to my liking. The only OB speaker i've heard that sounded boxy because the 15s break-up modes kept drawing attention to the speaker. I'd take a set of Mar-Kels over them any day.


Easy to say when you have a dog in the hunt.

The SIs were a big hit with a lot of people at the 2009 diyFEST where they were playing outdoors... just shows we all have things we prioritize in our sound.


They tend to suit me fine.
I have been thru about every full range driver out there
and almost every enclosure.
the Saburos with 126e where very nice.
just to heavy & awkward to move from in front of
movie screen very often,
I must say that for me old model fe207 in voight pipe
where the best mids I have ever gotten with full range units.

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