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Counterpoint SA-1000 full function tube preamp

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Everybody is doing spring cleaning so I decided to join the trend although it's still cold as hell in Chicagoland .
For sale is nice an clean Counterpoint SA-1000 full function (phono) preamp in original condition .Original user manual will be provided and copy of schematic as well. Use it as is or modify the heck of it there is plenty of space inside😀


  • linn kan , sony pua, rega , counterpoint 019.jpg
    linn kan , sony pua, rega , counterpoint 019.jpg
    673 KB · Views: 625
  • linn kan , sony pua, rega , counterpoint 020.jpg
    linn kan , sony pua, rega , counterpoint 020.jpg
    848.6 KB · Views: 549
  • linn kan , sony pua, rega , counterpoint 021.jpg
    linn kan , sony pua, rega , counterpoint 021.jpg
    732.5 KB · Views: 628
Hi.....I am an SA-3000 owner and just picked up an SA-1000 also this week....no owners manual.
Just hooked it up and no sound from phono....well, hum on high. It looks like those jumpers behind the input knob adjust for low/high output cartridges? I am using a low output Grado (.5mV).
Any idea how I set that up?
Thanks for any input!
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