cool first cars

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Other than being in the UK, chrysler/dodge daytona!

Cheap to buy, cheap to maintain, good on gas.

Plus you can toss your sub in place of the rear seats and use a 100W amp instead of putting in the trunk like most cars and require 1000W.

VW Jetta GLI

Don't know if these convert to European styles. Find one made in Germany with all German parts.

Stay away from the new 1.8T.

You guys watch Top Gear? A Brit TV show? We get it here on Discovery Channel. Love that show!

What you want is a very large clapped-out old American car, preferably well-dented with lots of Bond-o. A '64 Chevy Impala would be ideal. A couple of fuzzy dice hanging from the rear-view will make the packagae complete.

The advantage to this approach is that when other drivers see you bearing down on them, they WILL get out of the way.
How about this one....


A Mercedes you can get some mud on the tars.:clown:


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