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COndensatori Mundorf dalla Germania e altro

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Hello Hugo,
I've seen on www.Schuro.de there is a special offer of Mundorf parts ,if I buy more then 80 eur of one item ( -10) and if I buy totaly more than 100 eur of Mundorf's, international shipping is free.
Now I'm looking for other people interested.I wrote in italien because this offer is more interesting if there are not international shipping but if you are interested I'll be happy.
Sorry for my poor english.
I have the same problem .
After placing an order and sending several mails and faxes in the last 2 months (almost 3) i received not a single reply. Not even a confirmation of the receipt of the order. Also the phone seems to be permanently off the hook the last two months.

Does anyone have an idea how to contact them ?

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