Hello, compare TDA7294 & LM3886 , which one is better?
and how to find the datasheet of TDA7294 ?
and how to find the datasheet of TDA7294 ?
There are several download sites; here's one: http://home.eunet.cz/rysanek/pdf/tda7294.pdf
As far as which is better... I've built and used both, but as of yet I've not critically compared them.
As far as which is better... I've built and used both, but as of yet I've not critically compared them.
I've built from 1998 many amplifiers with TDA7294 in standard configuration or in bridge mode and all this amps works very well.
( no single failure in all this time). No thump on start , no noise, 100Khz power band , very clean sound and very small THD for 2w to 50W rms.
Now I build a multi-channel amps based to TDA7294, ( 5 channel x 150w /8ohms) and I will post a picture in this forum soon .
If you want to build an amp as a beginer I think you will not regret .
( no single failure in all this time). No thump on start , no noise, 100Khz power band , very clean sound and very small THD for 2w to 50W rms.
Now I build a multi-channel amps based to TDA7294, ( 5 channel x 150w /8ohms) and I will post a picture in this forum soon .
If you want to build an amp as a beginer I think you will not regret .
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