Compare Bandor 50 with Jordan

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I heard a number of Bandor systems at one of the London shows in the mid-1990s, along with the revitalised Jordan Watts, using the Jordan drivers. At the time, I thought the Jordans were better and have ended up using them ever since. The Bandors were good but sounded more like speakers, somehow. The Jordans were more natural.

I thought the simpler Bandor systems (a two driver Pentachord) sounded the best - there was someone with a system similar to the one you mention but in the small hotel room, it didn't image too well.

I've heard a number of Jordan 50mm drivers now and, with the possible exception of a hard phase plug version of the JX53, they all sound better than the mk2 J50s I heard in the 90s. The latest JXR6 sounds the best of the lot - frustrating as it still isn't available.

I don't know how much the Bandor units have developed over the intervening time, so can't comment on their current drivers.
Jordan hasn't bifurcated. Production has been taken over solely by EAD with Ted continuing in the role of consultant. I believe Mark Audio continue to act as Far East distributor for Jordan units and in addition have started producing their own units. They're not Jordan drivers, however.

Prices are largely a factor of production quantities. Jordan have never been on the scale of the likes of Fostex, for example, plus some of their drivers are unconventional and tricky to manufacture. The big OEM boys tend to shy away from that sort of thing or demand impractically large orders. Hopefully, if EAD can ramp up demand, they can get more produced, which may bring prices down. The JX92 is the most conventional driver they do, which is why it is more competitive with high end mainstream metal cone drivers.

I must admit, from a UK perspective, their drivers don't strike me as expensive, but then maybe Fostex drivers are more pricey over here.
Colin said:
Jordan hasn't bifurcated. Production has been taken over solely by EAD with Ted continuing in the role of consultant. I believe Mark Audio continue to act as Far East distributor for Jordan units and in addition have started producing their own units. They're not Jordan drivers, however.

That may be the official story, but reading between the lines it seems that...

Ted was ready to retire and Mark Audio was prepped for and ready to take over. Then Ted sold to the swedes leaving Mark Audio with a bunch of official tooling and the technical knowledge to build Jordans

So while the official Jordan is now in Sweden, i expect you will see Mark Audio moving forward with Jordan-like drivers.

I think more competition will be good.

And i'm betting that Ted's input into EAD will be time-limited.

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