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Cleaning up the workshop 2 - FS: Misc Drivers &

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Cleaning up the workshop 2 - FS: Misc Drivers &

Cleaning up the workshop 2 - FS: Misc Drivers &

All items located in a northern suburb of St. Paul, MN.

Local pickup is encouraged.

1 pair of KEF 8" Woofers. Used in several mid-80's to
mid-'90's KEF loudspeakers. These are in good working
condition. DC resistance measures 5.9 ohms each. Poly
cones with rubber surrounds.
$40.00 + shipping.


1 pair of LPG 160HWS woofers. Rarely seen pair of LPG
poly cone 160mm woofers. Rubber surrounds, so no
worries there. Woofers are in good working condition.
DC resistance measures 5.7 ohms for each.
$40.00 + shipping


1 pair of 18ga air core inductors. Measure 1.38mH.
These came out of an old Fisher console stereo, from
the days when Fisher made some decent quality gear.
$7.00 for the pair, + shipping


1 Matched pair of Fisher 12" woofers. Very nice older
woofers with linen surrounds, so no foam to worry
about. In good working condition, each measures
3.8 ohms on my meter. $20.00 + shipping.


1 pair of Genesis/EPI 8" woofers. Both need new foam
surrounds, but other than that are in good working
condition measuring 4.1 ohms and 4.2 ohms
respectively. These came out of a pair of Genesis 1+
loudspeakers. $15.00 + shipping


1 pair of EPI 10" Woofers. Very nice woofers, came out
of a pair of EPI 120C loudspeakers. Both need new
surrounds, but are other wise in good working condition
measuring 4.3 ohms and 4.5 ohms respectively.
$20.00 + shipping


1 pair of Speakerlab 8" Woofers. These came out of a
pair of Speakerlab SRS loudspeakers. Nice poly cone
woofers, both need new foam surrounds but otherwise
are in good working condition meassuring 5.3 ohms and
5.4 ohms respectively. $20.00 + shipping


If you have problems with the pictures, or if you have
any questions, email me at: minnesotatv@yahoo.com

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