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class d module looking for dealer

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Hi all,

Our company design and manufacture verious kind of electronic modules. There're some class-D modules which are ideal for small to mediam power (3w to 20w) applications. All the modules are fully integrated design. The application circuit is extremely simple, almost no external parts needed except bit caps.

We already have many customers in the US and other countries. Now we are looking for dealers to sale our products locally. If there's anybody that are interested in this business please feel free to contact me by sending email to sales@v-module.com, or chat by msn liu_dingxyz@hotmail.com.

Please visit Electronic Module_FM Audio Transmitter_RF Power Amplifier_DC/DC Converter_Class D Audio Amplifier_Wirless Data Transceiver for details about our products. The website is under construction, new version will be published very soon.

Best Regards
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