Christmas - What will you do this Xmas?

Wow, this is early for a Christmas thread!

Ours will be a quiet Christmas this year. We have young kids so still will celebrate, but my wife is out of vacation days so she will work during the break and the kids will have day camps the week after New Year's.

We usually try to make quasi-traditional Italian holiday meals but my wife has said no to lamb this year, and we tired of turkey long ago, so probably multiple beef roast days.

Hope you all are healthy and safe! Stop arguing about cables and feedback! I know this is a stressful time for many, my father died this time of year, and he himself was sometimes sad because his own father had died violently and suddenly this time of year when he was young. My young children help me avoid any such melancholy, they tire me out.
Starts this afternoon with "Carol Sing" at our church...Christmas Eve my granddaughter is singing at the 7:30 Mass, spend Christmas Eve with that set of grandkids, Christmas Day with my sister-in-law and her family, Dec 26th spend Christmas with grandkids in Pittsburgh, Dec 27th Christmas with grandkids in Ohio...and New Year's Eve party. It's exhausting.
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I'll have a quiet and peaceful evening with my family after a very loud pub party in our house courtyard. Once again I realized how incredibly loud 70, 80 or even 90 dB can be!
Merry christmas to everyone, i hope it's a peaceful one!
Had dinner with family last night. Opened presents this morning. We have two more family dinners then back to work.

We gave our 22 year old daughter a very nice vintage Sony PS-4300 turntable and a Discwasher brush. She is very happy.

Merry Christmas (if that’s your thing) to all of the DIYAudio community.
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