Cheap Projector

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I'm in the process of building the ultimate cheap projector.

Its based off the hip gear 2.6" screen. Basically, I want to make something thats small and cheap. It doesnt need to be the greatest quality as the usage is to display video while my band is playing at shows.

I've already tried the slide projector route but the projector I have has a 500W bulb and quickly makes the lcd turn black from the heat.

What is the cheapest bulb setup I could use, would like a 300W slide projector bulb work? Is there some cheaper bulb than a metal halide and it' fixtures that would work for this application. I'm just looking for cheapest light option. I plan to use the lens, reflector and condenser from the slide projector I have now.

A 360W ENX for an OHP would probably work well. Already has a dichroic reflector, and you wouldn't need a condensor either. They're cheap as well. There is a thread somewhere where someone ran it off of a light dimmer to drop the voltage from 110 to the 82v that the bulb requires.
How about a high-output compact fluro? They have some that put out 500watts worth of light and use hardly over 100watts. I have seen them used for grow-lights with great success, they are actually as bright as they are claimed to be. For a small LCD I think this would be perfect. It uses a standard bulb socket too. You'd need to filter UV/IR light, as usual, but these bulbs stay quite cool to the touch so close placement is not a problem at all.

I suggest cross-flowing the fans; having the puller towards the front and the pusher (exhaust) where it is at in the drawing. The lcd and it's boards need cool air too. In all honesty, if the box is air-tight you need only one fan to pull air out and then a trap-door to vent cool air in as the hot air is pulled out by the fan. Does that make sense to you?

Good luck on the project!
wylie-c said:
A 360W ENX for an OHP would probably work well. Already has a dichroic reflector, and you wouldn't need a condensor either. They're cheap as well. There is a thread somewhere where someone ran it off of a light dimmer to drop the voltage from 110 to the 82v that the bulb requires.

FYI, FXL bulbs run at 410w and I've heard they are about 20% brighter than ENX. They have the same sockets and have the reflector as well.
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