Changing bass reflex port diameter from 80mm to 75mm

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Hi, I'm pretty noob at speaker building. I'm building a pair of these:

However I have a hard time finding a tube of diameter 80mm. The closest I can find is 75mm. What modifications would I have to make to the ports (length/position) if I use the 75mm tube instead?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

Bonus question, how much damping material would you stuff into the speakers (it's not explained in the design)?
Download a copy of WinISD Pro and enter your woofer TS specs if they don't exist already, and then simulate the cab with the given internal volume and port dimensions.. note the shape of the cab is irrelevant it's just the internal volume as best you can estimate taking into account the volume displaced by the ports and drivers.

Once you have this you can alter the port dimensions and see what effect it has on the response, chances are it will be minimal but it never hurts to know ahead of time what the result should look like and if you are not using the drivers spec'd by the original designer this will tell you if they are a good match or not. And for any given tuning frequency the program will help you figure out the equivalent dimensions for square ports or a slot port along the bottom or triangle ports in the bottom corners(hint: treat it as a single square port and subtract the port length compensation for having a wall as part of the port.

Damping material is optional, for maximum SPL don't use any but if you find there are some resonant peaks in the response(shouldn't be with a trapazoid enclosure) line the interior walls with some damping material. The difference will be subtle but if it sounds good it is. PA speakers are never stuffed in general.
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I tend to over damp but I would rather have clarity over loudness.
I always damp the sides and back of a speaker. with a little extra behind the woofer if possible. I also damp the port tube. I test it all by knocking on it with knuckles, screwdrivers ect. The shorter it rings the better and the lower the better.
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