Carver PM 1.5 speaker protection dials on front face

I recently picked up a carver pm 1.5 and it has speaker protection dials? On the front panel that I don’t see in the mainstream pictures when searching for how to set them. I have only seen two other pictures but they aren’t referenced at all. Can anyone give me any information on these? They are labeled rms output voltage and can set set by a flat head screw driver for delays of 1.5 and 30 seconds. Attaching a picture.
thanks in advance for any help
Thanks for the quick reply. I have looked through the manual and when you look at the front diagram, it doesn’t show the two dials I have on my unit. The dials are between the clipping eliminator and the sequencer
hence my confusion
Here is the information I got from one of the administrators at the carver site.


I've never seen this and can find no reference material describing it. I can only speculate. I suspect there are two circuits monitoring the amplifier output voltage. One is watching for the amplifier to exceed a certain voltage for 1.5 seconds, the other is watching for a limit to be exceeded for 30 seconds. These controls set the voltages used in the two circuits. If these voltages are exceeded over the monitored time span, the clipping eliminator is engaged.

Where to set them? Good question. I would just leave them alone. If you are using in in a home environment where the amp won't be pounded for hours on end, just turn the clipping eliminator off. I suspect these two controls were intended for professional applications where all sorts of strange things could happen and cause high signals levels into the amp. Think beer being spilled into a mixing board. These controls could then potentially save the amp and the speakers connected to it.

There was also a lot of thrashing about patents for the clipping eliminator circuits. McIntosh claimed a patent on the original circuits. Carver followed up with multiple revisions of the circuits to avoid the patent. You can see evidence of this in a lot of the schematics for the PM series amps.

Sorry to only offer speculation.
The manual omitting any mention of those unique two RMS output controls is an unforgivable oversight. Also, it seems that the Carver site administrator who responded to your inquiry didn’t bother to check with any of the amplifier technical staff, as someone on that staff must know something authoritative about those. In addition, there must be circuit documentation of it somewhere. Yours can’t be the only unit made featuring them.
I have seen a couple others online that have the same controls So they are out there just not that common. The admin did respond quickly after I posted a picture , within a few hours, so I might get a little more info at a later date.