car boombox

Hi all,

i am using some old second hand drivers to try and make a car speaker system. I have a 10" central driver with two 4" mids and two tweeters. i am unsure on how to decided on an amplifier circuit to go for, is it worth splashing out on an expensive one or are the cheaper ones with less inputs still going to work.? i also wondered if anyone had any suggestions on how to build a crossover circuit or will it be significantly easier to buy some?

it is a system for use in a car, with portability to be moved into others. as for the specifications of the drivers, what is the specific data that would be needed? i am planning on testing impedance this afternoon. are there any other data points that would prove to be useful?
The 10" driver is from an ikey audio 10s would it be a suitable presumption to utilise the same dimensions from this sub in my new speaker design, or is it better to re calculate the size? my aim for the boom box was to have a central sub in a vented box with two separate speakers either side in closed boxes; with the aim to make this one large box with essentially three sections.

as for the 4" and 2" pair of drivers, they are coming form an Aiwa speaker system model SX-LM200. i also have the boxes for these so could i simply use the volumes provided to make.

as for the amplifier i have purchased a cheap one to begin with given this is a first attempt. My main questions are about volume calculation.
ikey audio 10s


Aiwa speaker system model SX-LM200


Do not put all the drivers in "one larger vented box" as that would upset the applecart!

The Ikey 10" subwoofer driver should be in its own compartment of the same volume and port dimensions as the original.

I visualise the Awai speakers to be situated to the left and right of the central subwoofer enclosure, each occupying their own dedicated enclosure of the same volume as the original (and the same port dimensions, if applicable).

That is, it can be one big box, but with three separate compartments, sized (and vented) as per the original enclosures.

Does the arrangement I describe correspond to what you regard as "symmetrical"?
You can use either one large (undivided) enclosure (with proper bracing) for multiple speakers that has the same total volume as required by the individual speakers (2 speakers that require 1ft^3 each would be in a 2ft^3 enclosure).

The benefit of using a (properly braced) single chamber is that the porting will be somewhat easier for low-frequency ports. For smaller (individual) chambers, the individual ports will have to be longer (if the same diameter) which could be a problem. You could use smaller diameter ports for a single speaker but you'll have to see what works for the speakers and enclosures that you end up using.
This is excellent news, I am planning on using the same enclosure for the large driver, however changing the amp s my next step. Figuring out how to get the wiring out of the enclosure while keeping it sealed is baffling me, has anyone got any tips on how to achieve this?
It would be most helpful if you should describe your final plan in full.

If you are talking about taking a cable though an internal wall:

Drill a hole that is a tight fit for the cable being used. Thread the cable through the hole. Seal the entry and exit points with silicone sealant.