Can't find the Vol Pot of my Marrantz PM4001

Hello there!

The potentiometer (ref : CVV9Y13B503Z)of the master volume of my marrantz pm4001 is actually dead.
I would like to replace it, but i can't find it on internet .
I've seen some say that's the RK16812MG099 from ALPS is an equivalent, but after buying it, it's not...

Can someone can help me ?
The original potentiometer has an extra pin for loudness control, the RK16812MG099 does not have this extra pin and has a different pinout.
If your problem is a damaged motor, perhaps you can use the motor assembly from ALPS to attach to the original pot and make it work.


Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 23-34-44 alps-potentiometer-10.jpg (JPEG Image 2592 × 1936 pixels) — ...png