CAL Tempest 2/ Magnavox 2041

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I have a CAL Tempest 2 here which needs both repair and conversion to UK mains voltage. The problem is that the philips mechanism used is a Magnavox 2041 and there appears to be no way of finding the equivalent european model number (if there is a european version....) in order to get the part from philips. Non of philips UK divisions have even heard of magnavox!.
Can anyone help?.
Maganvox had at the same time a mid-sized player FD1041. As I remember it was identical to the 2041 internally. Philips had the CD104, which I think was the same as the 1041. Look into (buy cheap) the CD104 locally and see if you can use parts. If not .. resell it. May need a step down trans anyway unless the Cal tube transformer is dual primary, which is unlikely.
The Philips CD104 might be the same as the FD1040 magnavox. The FD1041 is one generation newer 14bit, so you may see if there was a newer version of the CD104. Fuzzy memories as this was about 20 years ago. Ask the UK Philips guys id there is a newer version of the 104, plastic chassis, plastic drive etc.
TDA1540 of course is correct 😉


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Noticed that it's the Tempest "2" in question ( did not notice that before) If it's a 2 chassis player, the base cd player was a Magnavox 472 or 473, 16bit models. In stock form they had a 'dashboard' at the bottom of the front panel with some of the controls there. CAL folded that pcb down to lay flat on their faceplate. Don't know if Philips had an identical model for Europe or not. Bet TDA1540 can find out.
Attached is a Tempest II, if it looks like this it's a 472/473 player at the core. If it's a one box Tempest, then it was a 2041/CD350 based player.


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Thanks for the advice guys!. It is indeed the two box Tempest which is giving me all this hassle.... The transformer in the separate PSU does have dual primarys, as does a small (10VA or so) transformer mounted on the rear panel of the main player box which provides the digital 5V, these I have converted for UK mains. The Philips player looked like it would be easy to convert...... What appeared to be multiple primarys were mainly dummy pins used to hold down the TX.... it only has the one primary!. Stranger still, it appears that CAL removed the original TX and replaced it with the one currently fitted!, maybe they could not obtain any more USA spec chassis and were having to modify European ones?
My customer reckons he has a contact who can obtain the schematic for the Tempest II, should be interesting....
PS is that 472 model number the same for Philips and Magnavox?
I will have a go at posting pictures of both the TX and the whole cd chassis.
My previous efforts at posting pictures to this site have all failed....I get warning messages about the file size being too big, I will have another go though.
Unfortunately I have been unable to post any pictures to the site for the usual reason of file size, all the photos are in the mega byte ball park but the site only allows approx 100 kilo bytes....
I am sure there is a way round this (judging by the amount of photos that others have posted!) but it elludes me for the time being.
The following data is on the transformer,

Type: TS 670
code NR: 3112 348 30821
Fact. code: WA 734

Is that any help?
Also, apart from the secondarys which solder directly to the board, there are four wires coming from tags on the TOP of the TX which then go to the far top right of the board (TX is in top left hand corner with the drawer opening towards you) for some sort of aux. supply.
Also, apart from the secondarys which solder directly to the board, there are four wires coming from tags on the TOP of the TX which then go to the far top right of the board (TX is in top left hand corner with the drawer opening towards you) for some sort of aux. supply.

you can find pictures here:

In which case you'll need a 3112 348 30666.
(philips service:4822 146 30615)
CAL Model: Tempest II

Have been contacted, lately, by a customer to look into a Tempest II, a CD player vintage early '90's from California Audio Labs or CAL for short.

Customer says: The unit is a 2 part player with Valves in the power section with a fairly simple Phillips drive mechanism in the CD part.

The drive mechanism of the CD tray is inoperative (maybe a belt issue) so the whole thing is electronically OK but inoperative.

At this stage, I am looking for service manual, schematics, driver mechanism diagrams and equivalent CD players which use the same mechanism.
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