• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

buffer stage ECC88 or ECC83?

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I'm going to build a buffer stage to go between the output of a TVC into my PPKT88. Reason is to account for eq I need to apply for my room/speakers.

I've got a few ECC88's and ECC83's sitting around looking bored, can anyone advise on a suitable circuit utilising either of these?

Sorry Guys
I've just re-read my post and realised it isn't at all clear. :clown: By needing to compensate for equalistaion I will need some gain, around 9dB to be sure, and as far as I know cathode followers have a gain of a little less than 1 so these are no good.

Any suggestions for a stage with a small amount of gain preferably but not exclusively using ECC83's or 88's

Any suggestions for a stage with a small amount of gain preferably but not exclusively using ECC83's or 88's

A couple of ideas. There are quite a few circuits around using the 12B4, a NICE tube with low mu. Build with the ECC99 or 5687 and use a 3:1 step down trafo at the O/P.

BTW, the trafo idea works with the 6922, but you still get 20+ dB. of gain. Perhaps, that's too much.
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