Bucking Magnets - Need Iinfo

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Hi I haven't been able to find out alot in books on the subject. I know that the use of a bucking magnet will increase Bl and sensativity, but what's the tradeoff? You usually don't get anything for free. What is the downside to doing this? Thanks!
I don't believe there is one. Not even sensitivity as far as I know.

EDIT: I would think the only way for it to affect performance would be to add it in the same direction as the driver magnet rather than mounting it as a bucking magnet which is flipped over and glued. Still I'm not sure that it would change much if anything.

Its like having a slightly larger magnet, so really only a downside
if the magnet is already too large, but still not much real difference,
you've got the wrong driver in the first place.

🙂 /sreten.

P.S. bucking magnets are a prerequisite of fitting screening cans.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.


Same direction ? I cannot see any point of doing that.

What the bucking magnet does is force the stray field behind the
driver to flow through the front stray field and the magnetic circuit,
or more exactly not allow the rear stray field field flux paths.

Its a small gain for a massive magnet compared to including the
extra magnet in the magnetic circuit. Would be far cheaper to
use a slightly larger magnet.

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