Bruno Putzeys in IEEE Spectrum

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I don't think they meant that (BP,JP ) could tell it sounded good before listening to it. I think they meant that the output signal looked clean unlike other 'digital' amp designs they had seen before and so the design finally had real potential to turn out to be good and the end result is for all to see.

What's 'amazing' ( in CAPS !) about this article ? It's mostly about conviction , hard work and determination ! If it turned out that Bruno is just visiting us from Mars , THAT would be AMAZING !

ashok said:
What's 'amazing' ( in CAPS !) about this article ? It's mostly about conviction , hard work and determination ! If it turned out that Bruno is just visiting us from Mars , THAT would be AMAZING !


I said amazing in sense of a compliment, due to the disciplined approach followed by Bruno, is this hurting you in someway or other.??
From the article:

Stereo replay never actually reproduces a musical event,” he says. “The only thing you can hope for is a credible illusion. But it can be a very nice illusion.”

Refreshing to hear this versus the current market trend of over-hyping a product (taken from B&O's site):
We want you to believe that you are somewhere else. Right on the stage with Brünnhilde and Siegfried; in the recording studio during the Birth of the Cool; tumbling around the U-96 as the depth charges detonate. You are no longer in your living room.
ashok said:
I don't think they meant that (BP,JP ) could tell it sounded good before listening to it. I think they meant that the output signal looked clean unlike other 'digital' amp designs they had seen before and so the design finally had real potential to turn out to be good and the end result is for all to see.

No, that's not what it says.
I it reads to me that they made decisions about how it would sound by looking at the scope. After all, JP said he wanted to buy a license after checking the scope.

Is that something you find hard to accept?

Jan Didden

A modest man living within modest means living his dream, we should all be so fortunate and so wise as to realize what is important in life. A great role model for all young would be engineers!
I consider Bruno to be the world’s foremost designer of switching amplifiers. No one else can see as clearly the implications of differing topologies.
Ironically, the one thing he didn't want to hear, at least initially, was music amplified by the module itself. Much like Putzeys when he was designing the modules, van Amerongen wanted to look at the amplifier's output waveform. “The only thing he wanted to see was the output signal on an oscilloscope,” Putzeys recalls. “He looked at it, and in about one minute he said, ‘Okay, I want to buy a license.' He had seen so many dreadful outputs, full of RF hash. He could tell from the signal whether it was well designed.

The absence of hash differentiated it from competitors and was proof of Bruno's skill as a designer. That's what van Amerongen bought.
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