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Brand New Aurasound NS15-992-4A drivers

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I have a quantity of 4 brand new Aurasound NS15-992-4A drivers. You will have a very difficult time finding a true high fidelity subwoofer with comparable performance and an even harder time finding any of these drivers new.

They are capable of significantly greater performance compared to their smaller brothers. The 4" VC will allow 800 watts RMS power and 3200 watts peak power. The massive magnetic structure will allow 50mm peak to peak linear xmax and 75mm peak to peak excursion. The driver weighs nearly 50lbs, which is ridiculous considering it uses NEODYMIUM magnets. It absolutely dwarfs my Dayton RSS390HF and AE TD15M drivers, which both have ceramic motors.


Here is a link to the drivers spec sheet. You will find that the driver's impedance is flat to 2.2KHz😱, which corresponds to the aluminum cone's first breakup. Although capable of massive displacement, it has an incredibly extended high frequency response due to its advanced motor and incredibly rigid cone. Honestly, you could probably use this as a lower midrange driver since it does not exceed 1% THD until ~8KHz, which affords the possibility to use a dedicated upper midrange driver.

If the quantitative data fails to impress you, consider that these drivers are used in Magico's >$100k Ultimate II loudspeaker system.

Magico Loudspeaker Systems

To be honest, I will be very sad to see these drivers go. It took me several years to source these unique drivers and I have yet to find a driver that offers an improved response. However, I would like to experiment with open baffle bass and although its linear motor and rigid cone would be absolutely optimal for such an application, the motor is so strong (ie low Qts) that the electromagnetic damping provided by my voltage source amplifier would necessitate more equalization than I'd prefer in a dipole application.

These drivers are BRAND NEW. Brand New means they have never seen power and have only been taken out of their boxes for photographs. None of their product registration cards have ever been filled out.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

$500 + s/h/pp

Best Regards,
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This is a nightmare. ..
I paid this guy weeks ago for 4 discontinued subs and weeks later he says he doesn't have the box for one but has the Styrofoam clam shell so says he is only shipping 2 and I have got everything cut for 4..
I find this absolutely unacceptable. .
I was having them shipped to my friend in Michigan to help out and I just now recieved a blurry ups reciept with no date and cannot read the tracking number. ..
THADMAN..send me whats agreed upon or retun my money...
End of story
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