I thought it was worth creating a specific title in case anyone else wanted to use these.
I've finished a design and want to look at power levels in xover parts - just what they are intended for. Bit odd that they appear to report in dB rather the volts and amps. Sums needed to convert.
Anyway I'm using Boxsim 2. The only source of these I can find is here. Maybe there is another???
The instructions translate well
So follow them and Boxsim produces it's red line of death and complains about missing data - the usual that comes with a speaker. The initial problem seems to be that the load defaults to data as per the box design - assumes they have been measured in this box. Change that to inf. baffle before or after a load brings up an error message saying not a sensible thing to do as a boxsim chassis will set this as it should be.
Oddly when I download them I stitched one into the default project it loads every time it starts. I managed to include it in the xover schematic. Looked at this again. I had it set in common box but have corrected that and all still ok, All with the same V2 software.
Any chassis load seems to automatically set it common box. Easily undone but no help,
I've tried every combination of loading them I can think of and no luck. Maybe I am missing some method? Or it just wont work full stop.
Maybe some load method will work? Maybe different versions are available somewhere?
I've finished a design and want to look at power levels in xover parts - just what they are intended for. Bit odd that they appear to report in dB rather the volts and amps. Sums needed to convert.
Anyway I'm using Boxsim 2. The only source of these I can find is here. Maybe there is another???
The instructions translate well
So follow them and Boxsim produces it's red line of death and complains about missing data - the usual that comes with a speaker. The initial problem seems to be that the load defaults to data as per the box design - assumes they have been measured in this box. Change that to inf. baffle before or after a load brings up an error message saying not a sensible thing to do as a boxsim chassis will set this as it should be.
Oddly when I download them I stitched one into the default project it loads every time it starts. I managed to include it in the xover schematic. Looked at this again. I had it set in common box but have corrected that and all still ok, All with the same V2 software.
Any chassis load seems to automatically set it common box. Easily undone but no help,
I've tried every combination of loading them I can think of and no luck. Maybe I am missing some method? Or it just wont work full stop.
Maybe some load method will work? Maybe different versions are available somewhere?
Looks like they just wont load into newly created project files - only older ones found on the project database site. This even applies to V1.2.
Also V2 projects and chassis data are not compatible with V1.2. On one chassis V2 data shows worse performance than 1.2. 😉 That may be good when it's mainly related to an spl spike as I saw no reason to get rid of it.
Looks like all I can do is simulate against coil dc resistance and inductance.
Also V2 projects and chassis data are not compatible with V1.2. On one chassis V2 data shows worse performance than 1.2. 😉 That may be good when it's mainly related to an spl spike as I saw no reason to get rid of it.
Looks like all I can do is simulate against coil dc resistance and inductance.