Bought some cheap Ali neo compression drivers on black Friday sale

Yea its weird that the diameter doesnt perfectly match a B&C model. I would be awesome if I could use original better membranes on it. I bought some dirt cheap 90x60 waveguides for them and I'm going to 3d print some adapters to improve the high frequency as much as possible.
I have received the drivers and made some very quick sweeps on the them with a 15uF series cap. So these graps are only good for an initial spl response. I ran them with a 1" 60x40 waveguide that I cut the neck off and put new flange on. So the expansion starts at the 1" outlet. The 9-10kHz dip is because of the 2mm step between driver and waveguide. I taped the gap and the dip went away 🙂. Later I tried with a 6.3uF and they flatened out fine to about 14kHz. Sorry if the measurents are bad but I guess its better than nothing on these clones. They have a moderate amplitude peak on 9kH which makes some notes stand out. No bad stored energy ringing but there is a slight emphasis on sss. Probably not bad for horns but worse than my ribbon tweeters. Do anyone look at the membrane and know what the original model is called? I would like to try some stock titanium membranes in these too 🙂 All in all for the cost I'm pretty happy with these.


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they have some results on dogs though (bigger animals not so) ! But planet is too hot, my money too low, ressources too rare and Greta T too much dangerous for me to buy from unknown companies at the opposite location where I live !

Sorry, can't resist (no jugment about the op)
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There are quite a lot of low cost drivers from well know brands, that have consistend quality you can build a system on.
If your ambitions rise, you can sell such products on the usual platforms and get a reasonable refund. With your Chinese no name driver, your money is gone.
Most "real" brands have production in China too, this is right, but these are made to European standards with tight quality control.

Today cheap China brands we buy at Aliex and the like take a lot of care how their products look from the outside, but don't take the inside components too serious.
This is part of the Chinese mentality, which is all about the outside impression, keeping the face. Just like they paint whole regions of their poluted, dead countryside green with toxic paint, only to make it look biologically alive.
If I see and investigate such products, it seems crazy to me, how much work, energy and material has been used to build such worthless look alikes.
Most of the factoy's decission makers do not understand how products work, because their education is only focused on how to please a political regime, bribe the right people and stay at the top of the food chain. Educted technicians are considered usefull idiots, that don't understand the wider picture of Chinese ideology. Recently this system started to get into danger, because private owned company's had too much succsess compared to state owned ones. Which made their owners disapear and political minions take over the lead. So we can be sure that this difference in objective performance will not change very soon. Also don't overestimate our stake of the market. If enough Asian listeners are pleased with loud, distorted sound for their local kind of music and buy it, the few units going to Norway or the EU don't matter.
This is no political post, I just try to explain why things are the way they are. European producers of such low quality have disapeared, ask yourself why.
Then, there are Chinese products like chip amps, that perform very well. This is because the design of the western designed chip inside doesn't tollerate saving any more on external components. Also the Chinese producer has no clue how it really works. So they build it just as the data sheet dictates and proven Western samples and stolen design's show.
In practice: You can use cheaper magnet material, make a membrane from low cost plastic and higher tollerate a gap to save on precission machining, but an Ohm has to stay an Ohm in a electronic design and can not be eliminated.
Last, with speaker cassis there are core internal components that are essential to the reproduction. If you see no need to make them identical, because you can't see and understand them, you will not get the same performance.
If you can buy people from Europe with real know how and don't ignore their specifications, like Wavecor, SB acoustics and Tymphany showed us, you can have huge succsess in no time. Anyway, once things are profitable, the Asian mentality will take over again, I'm sure. Greed and arrogance. The increase in prices for the mentioned brands already makes them less interesting, just like sales policy whith too large minimum orders.
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The driver cost like 1/4 and measures flawless, What more do you want? I bought an SB acoustic 6.5Alu driver last year and it rubbed with copper filings in the gap. I had to mount it with regard to gravity so it wouldnt rub. Its all the same beeing made in China, clones or not.