i was wondering how i would go about designing suitable bookshelf speakers based around the foster isodynamic ribbon tweeter:
Since, I can get a staff discount from the above store, it would preferable to buy a woofer from this vendor. I was thinking perhaps a 6.5inch woofer, however I am not sure what crossover inductance, restistance, etc or if i would also require a midrange dome tweeter.
I have a 10" subwoofer with an active cross-over to augment bass.
i was wondering how i would go about designing suitable bookshelf speakers based around the foster isodynamic ribbon tweeter:
Since, I can get a staff discount from the above store, it would preferable to buy a woofer from this vendor. I was thinking perhaps a 6.5inch woofer, however I am not sure what crossover inductance, restistance, etc or if i would also require a midrange dome tweeter.
I have a 10" subwoofer with an active cross-over to augment bass.