best way to protect copper pcb traces

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I have some pure copper pcbs that I have made .. just need some advice, i like the polished copper look. Can I laquer the pcb then solder at a later date ? do PCB lacquers allow soldering afterwards ? any recommendations ? I was planning to polish the PCB so nice and shiney then spray with a good PCB lacquer like this as a example Electrolube CPL200H Clear Protective Lacquer 200ml | Rapid Online
then solder later ... or should I populate the pcb then lacquer afterwards ??

you thoughts

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The clear protective lacquer is the stuff I use. It may say on the tin 'do not shake' which I assume is to prevent small bubbles forming.

I use the stuff by spraying it into an egg cup and then brushing it on quite liberally.

It dries super glossy and clear and can be soldered through if needed. If you use it in cold damp conditions then the quick initial evaporation of the solvents will cause condensation and a bloom... I suppose all of which is why I end up brushing it on. Fresh out of the tin it is very free flowing and will cover well with a kiddies tiny brush... just pour it on the board and let it flow.
The clear protective lacquer is the stuff I use. It may say on the tin 'do not shake' which I assume is to prevent small bubbles forming.

I use the stuff by spraying it into an egg cup and then brushing it on quite liberally.

It dries super glossy and clear and can be soldered through if needed. If you use it in cold damp conditions then the quick initial evaporation of the solvents will cause condensation and a bloom... I suppose all of which is why I end up brushing it on. Fresh out of the tin it is very free flowing and will cover well with a kiddies tiny brush... just pour it on the board and let it flow.

That’s a good idea