best encl. volume for Eminence Lab 12 in a sealed sub?

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Researching a 12" unit for a small sealed sub and this driver seems to get the best reviews and goes low and loud
Eminence :: Eminence LAB-12 ONLY 129.99

I copied this from another forum (what is B2?) ; am I right in thinking that I should keep the box volume small for a low F3?

"The LAB12 requires 2.85 to 3.6 cubic feet for vented alignments. Sealed alignments are 1.8 to 3.4 cubic feet (B2 and D2 respectively). The sealed box is very forgiving for size changes. As the box size increases beyond the B2 size, the group delay improves, F3 moves higher, and power handling ability gets worse.

The LAB12 has an efficiency bandwidth product of 56, making it ideal for use in a sealed box."
..The LAB12 has an efficiency bandwidth product of 56, making it ideal for use in a sealed box..

Agree, but would also work well in a large ported box too.


Time to get some 😴


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need to keep the enclosure as small as i can, around 25 litres, a 12" unit is my optimum size. I was going to go for a mivoc but this Eminence works v well in a sealed and the new tangband 12" looks even better on the graph tho much more expensive..
The Eminence lab 12 does 38hz f5 in a 25 litre sealed but is perhaps more suited to large enclosures so thinking 10" is the way forward. The 10" dayton Titanic and TC epic 10' look good as a BR or sealed.. and they are for more suited to a smaller enclosure. The Dayton is especially good, I modelled it down to an F3 of 28hz in a 20 litre BR
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..btw I'm using the dumax readings...

So did I, see the picture,the unique Dumax report doesn't improve f-3dB..

OTOH, I would prefer a sloping FR over a flat if a ported box: only if the port length would be different, i.e. much smaller, but not if I had the opportunity to choose the more powerful T-TQWT.

b 🙂


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Building the Il Bimbo now. After 6 months with a LAB12 in a 300+ Litre sonotube, I am done with flabby bass, and I want something really "toight", that should go together well with a horn system. I was considering bass horns but I suspect these will not be as accurate. I don't want to do vented so I will have to find something else to watch the THX demo with.

I am tired but excited about tomorrow night when it should be done and I can finally try it. Building time is then 36 hours including waiting for the glue to dry. One side is drying now, and tomorrow I will do the rest. I would like to paint it in Nextel, but I can't find a supplier in Scandinavia. Hardest part was to make a perfect circle, but I managed it finally.
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Il bimbo

Il Bimbo is finished!

We were playing at PA levels last night with a couple of friends. It sounded very good, but I must admit I have don't have much experience listening to subwoofers. I think it sounded very tight, and goes deep enough. Volume is around 36-39L. It is a little smaller than the original Il Bimbo, because I use triangular wooden planks to reduce sharp corners inside. Stuffing is rubber door mats, acoustic foam, and a pillow.

Our old 100 Watt Pioneer amp gave up after a few hours, but that is okay. I was looking for a more suitable amp anyway. Thinking class D 500W.


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Hi Rewind,

Post #17: "...get a recone, and build a second one."

I second the motion. 🙂


P.S.: Hornresp has a 'Maximum SPL...' tool-as well as a 'Sample...' tool that could give you some insight into what happened to your first try.
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