I have an ADR F760X that uses mostly BC182B transistors throughout. A shorted cap took out the BC182B that's doing voltage regulator duties on one of the boards.
Can anyone offer a modern replacement since this is obsolete?
It's regulating a 24v rail down to 18.3v. I don't think it's critical to use an exact replacement, and I'm sure I might have something in my shop that would work in that position. 2N4401 maybe?
Can anyone offer a modern replacement since this is obsolete?
It's regulating a 24v rail down to 18.3v. I don't think it's critical to use an exact replacement, and I'm sure I might have something in my shop that would work in that position. 2N4401 maybe?
Most anything with similar specs should work. Just be aware that 2SC and 2N and BC types can all have different pinout arrangements, so you may have to turn the transistor sideways for the legs to go in appropriate holes.
Looks like a general-purpose, small-signal audio transistor. Seems like every week there are fewer of those things available in TO-92 cases. To keep the same pinout, try a BC54x or BC639.
I like the cross reference search on AllTransistors:
Bipolar Transistor Cross-reference Search | Equivalent Transistors
Bipolar Transistor Cross-reference Search | Equivalent Transistors