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Babelfish ᄅſ....or FW J2 on Steroids .... or Not your Father's J2!.... Kits!

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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Babelfish ᄅſ....or FW J2 on Steroids .... or Not your Father's J2!.... Kits!

.... also known as The Beast with a Thousand Names!


Everything shown here : Babelfish ᄅſ....or FW J2 on Steroids .... or Not your Father's J2!

Practically , several amps possible , choose by your liking and parts you have in drawer.

I can think of few options by now :

Option #1:

  • stereo set of UMS form factor pcbs , 70um , energy pads with 2mm Dia holes
  • all SMD caps (10p and 10n) soldered on pcbs
  • SMD JFets for cascode biasing soldered on pcbs
  • SMD input JFets ( 2 quartets of Genuine Toshiba 2SK2145BL, recently made by 75yrs old Virgins on Forbidden Japanese Island) soldered on pcbs
  • my fave and important 1uF Philips MKC caps enclosed (2pcs)

that would be 85E , Paypal fee and Tracked package sent anywhere - covered by price

if you have and want to use your own input JFets , fine by me - I'll skimp on soldering , you shave 15E ...... so 60E , Paypal fee and Tracked package sent anywhere - covered by price

Option #2:

practically everything from Option #1 , plus all parts going on pcbs:

-all metalfilm 0207 ( so standard size) resistors, including values making difference for various iterations of amp(s),
-dozen or so 1pin sockets/holders for few strategic resistor positions , so you can easier try different amp options without de-soldering , and when you decide , just solder them in
-all MOX 3W resistors for output section,
-all electrolytic caps , Panasonic , what else,
-all 3mm LEDs,
-all diodes and zenners,
-all transistors (IRF510 , BD140 , wimpy and stronger BC critters)
-multiturn pots,
-IRFP150 outputs (all 4 pcs)

that would be 180E , Paypal fee and Tracked package sent anywhere - covered by price

if you have and want to use your own input JFets , fine by me - I'll skimp on soldering , you shave 15E ...... so 165E , Paypal fee and Tracked package sent anywhere - covered by price

Handy Addendum (in short : HA!):

-Cap Bank pcbs - set of 2pcs; dual rail, CRC (pads, if you want differential CLC), snap-in up to 35mm Dia, resistor and pads for LED, position for 10mm NTC connecting Audio GND to chassis;
-NTC pcb/ FW style Soft Start - set of 2pcs; each having place for 2 independent NTCs;depending of arrangement of primaries of Donuts you're using. you'll need either one pcb for two Donuts, or one pcb per Donut

HA! set is 25E more

see pics for HA!; lazy to search do I have photo of NTC pcb, but who cares; some newer pics here (can't edit this post pics): LuDEF kit packages

contact either via PM , or directly >zenmodiyaudio@gmail.com<


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Asphalt, hirscwi, Itsmee, Vitalica, yoaudio, Twitchie

payments received , sorry I didn't confirmed sooner ...... if I'm in anything bad ( how Mighty ZM can be that in anything? :rofl: ) , that's organization .....

lurk here from time to time , info about time window soon ..... got firm promise of getting first batch of pcbs in a week from now
I think I want one....

Option 1 (-) would be great, that means I don't have to match my Fets, but I could solder them myself .... an option ?

Should I PM ?



if you think of input JFets, having your own - they need to be matched

if you think of my 2SK2145BL,I still prefer to solder them by my self , simply because I'm checking them after soldering ..... so they're good for sure

that proposition of pcbs sans SMD Jfets was sand JFets , not sans me soldering them, and sending in tiny bagz with pcbs
IR now Infineon were the original manufacturer, but I am sure ZM will say no difference. My choice = Infineon, and they are a lot cheaper than Vishay as well. Even cheaper at Arrow Electronics.
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Both will work equally as well as each other and the max Power dissipation in an amp will be around 40Watts max per output device and more like 35W for a typical Pass class A design , so well within the power rating of the device and its SOA curve.