AV receiver suggestion for DIY speakers?

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Now that my 1st DIY speaker project has been built, it would be
great to hear some suggestions on a budget priced AV receiver.

My current setup consists of a Van Alstine preamp and an NAD 2140
power amp. Given that I don't like extreme volume levels, will any
of the highly regarded budget AV receivers such as the Outlaw 1050
or Onkyo TX-DS595 deliver the quality I'm currently experiencing, or
is it "once separates - always separates"?

Any feedback from people that have used separates and now have an
AV receiver would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
I'm currently looking at the $300-$500 price range.

Given that I bought my current preamp and power amp 19 years ago,
I have no idea what improvements receiver amps have undergone
since then. I just know that "back in the day", receivers didn't really
cut it for people that have a passion for this stuff.

If my selected price range "cut it", which receivers should I consider,
or should I really save up and go with AV separates?

Thanks in advance,
I can't think of anything really high fidelity in that price range. Granted there are a few good receivers I've heard (high end Denon and Meridian), I would suggest saving up for the separates. It will be less expensive to upgrade in the future, and is more versatile.
Here's an idea.

How about the Outlaw 1050 since it has pre-outs. Is the D/A conversion
decent where it would be worth it to by one of the "better of the low-
end" AV receivers w/pre-out, then buy power amps when ready?

Would this be a decent plan for starting "easy", but still have
satisfying music fidelity as budget allows?

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