Aurasound Experience?

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I've been wondering about these myself. There is a "del sol" thread here where they are used but have not tried it myself.

I might pick up a set since they are so cheap but I have been leaning to more expensive drivers only because the "build" part of DIY takes me some time. I've only got 3 builds in so far and 2 unfinished .....cause they sound good 😀 ....and I don't want to take them out to garage and finish them.

That last 10% is the killer.

As long as I am putting in the time for construction of the boxes, a driver that has been simmed, built, reviewed, graphed and commented on here is what i look at.

I'm thinking of ordering some Markaudio drivers, so as long as I'm paying for shipping a set of these do not really add too much to the cost.
Got a pair of these a few weeks ago and I am quite pleased. They sound very balanced are satisfying in the bass reflex boxes I built for them. Nice sized Neo magnets and decent quality construction, these are well worth the asking price IMHO.
I built my first set of speakers maybe 3 years ago using Aura mids & tweeters. They seem to be very well made, considering the price, and they are pleasing to listen to. I can tell that the tweeters probably have a fair amount of 2nd/3rd order harmonic distortion, but it really only wears on me if I am listening for over an hour at high volumes. Anyway, I really like them.
I built my first set of speakers maybe 3 years ago using Aura mids & tweeters. They seem to be very well made, considering the price, and they are pleasing to listen to. I can tell that the tweeters probably have a fair amount of 2nd/3rd order harmonic distortion, but it really only wears on me if I am listening for over an hour at high volumes. Anyway, I really like them.

Rabbit joints on your first project. Dude... nice! My first project (still my mains) was an OB design using butt joints and Titebond. My compliments on your patience and dedication for those speakers. I also like the tables you built. In the studio, we call those speaker stands;-) and yours would be called custom nice.
bmw, very cool... i wish i could build a box that good. The table looks great too!

yoaudio, let us know how the aura's sound compared to the fostex. i know big difference in price but maybe not so much in sound. I may buy three or four of thos aura's this week to play around with... small speakers to put here and there... that i really don't need.


That's what I needed to know yoaudio. I think I'll hold off on these. I went ahead and purchased something else that I have no need of but couldn't pass up anyways: vintage pair of AR-5's in the original packaging. I'll be working on restoring those for when I need a rock-n-roll fix.

Nice job on the FHm3!
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