mbe it's just me. i can get a macro sweep to read the "amplitude levels" of channels A and B, but it gets cranky when I try to read the "bandpass" level of the same channels via stereo sweep. the error message pops up and the check-box is "unchecked".
i can adjust the sweep panel by hand for "stereo sweep" in bandpass but not via macro.
Bandpass gives a lot more precision that Amplitude Level.
i can adjust the sweep panel by hand for "stereo sweep" in bandpass but not via macro.
Bandpass gives a lot more precision that Amplitude Level.
Hi Jackinnj
You can't read the same channel in stereo mode. Stereo mode reads CH A then switches to CH B. The THD, BP, AWT or ? in stereo mode alternates CHA then CHB. (note if you start with CHB then is switched to CHA
If you want to read CHA 2 times then use append and restart the sweep or use the macro.
You can't read the same channel in stereo mode. Stereo mode reads CH A then switches to CH B. The THD, BP, AWT or ? in stereo mode alternates CHA then CHB. (note if you start with CHB then is switched to CHA
If you want to read CHA 2 times then use append and restart the sweep or use the macro.
mbe it's just me. i can get a macro sweep to read the "amplitude levels" of channels A and B, but it gets cranky when I try to read the "bandpass" level of the same channels via stereo sweep. the error message pops up and the check-box is "unchecked".
i can adjust the sweep panel by hand for "stereo sweep" in bandpass but not via macro.
Bandpass gives a lot more precision than Amplitude Level.
Jack, since there is only one bandpass filter shared between channels, you must switch the bandpass filter/reading to the other channel before you can read it. I guess the stereo sweep test does that automagically but in a macro you must do it explicitly.
Could that be it?
Hi Jackinnj
You can't read the same channel in stereo mode. Stereo mode reads CH A then switches to CH B. The THD, BP, AWT or ? in stereo mode alternates CHA then CHB. (note if you start with CHB then is switched to CHA
If you want to read CHA 2 times then use append and restart the sweep or use the macro.
Works outside of the macro -- i.e. when manually enabling stereo check box and bandpass function -- it reads channel A and then channel B (or vice versa).
Jack, since there is only one bandpass filter shared between channels, you must switch the bandpass filter/reading to the other channel before you can read it. I guess the stereo sweep test does that automagically but in a macro you must do it explicitly.
Could that be it?
Within the macro, I can read the levels of Channel A, Channel B (Ap.Anlr.FuncMode=0) with no difficulty inserting Ap.Sweep.Stereo=True
When I change the function mode to Ap.Anlr.FuncMode=1, an error message is generated and the stereo box is unchecked.
Perhaps as Duke suggess, use two For-Next loops and append instead of trying to do it in swoop.
I remember reading about it in the User Guide:
Some reading parameter selections (such as Phase or DCX-127 DMM Volts) are not stereo signals. If you select such a parameter for Data 1 or Data
2, the stereo sweep function will not be available.
Are you trying to read phase or another non-stereo signal?
Then again, the unit has two level meters, one for each channel. It only has ONE bandpass/bandreject filter (FuncMode=1) which is switched between channels. Gut feeling that that has to do with it.
Some reading parameter selections (such as Phase or DCX-127 DMM Volts) are not stereo signals. If you select such a parameter for Data 1 or Data
2, the stereo sweep function will not be available.
Are you trying to read phase or another non-stereo signal?
Then again, the unit has two level meters, one for each channel. It only has ONE bandpass/bandreject filter (FuncMode=1) which is switched between channels. Gut feeling that that has to do with it.
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I remember reading about it in the User Guide:
...and I'm the one always telling folks to read the instructions...