Audio Note DAC1 Schematic

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Ap said:
I have a Audio Note DAC1 signature which is blowing fuses, wondering if anyone has a schematic (Ive done a Google & only found the 1.1kit which is different).


If it is the old style AN DAC (oversampling, PCM63 style), look for DAC3 or DAC4 schematics, these are the same as DAC1.

Sometimes the transformer goes. Disconnect all secondaries and check if fuse keeps going.
So far, have disconnected all secondaries from board & fuses were Ok, next reconnected valve/analogue side only & fuses were still Ok. So its got to be the other side...
Will check rectifiers & PS caps next.
And yes it uses PCM63P -but still no luck on a schematic.
Thanks for the input.
Ap said:
So far, have disconnected all secondaries from board & fuses were Ok, next reconnected valve/analogue side only & fuses were still Ok. So its got to be the other side...
Will check rectifiers & PS caps next.
And yes it uses PCM63P -but still no luck on a schematic.
Thanks for the input.


Good observations.

Mail me offline and I'll mail you a circuit. Can't find it on the net anymore.

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