Audio Crafters Guild "Super Symmetric Power Supply"

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I have two bare pcb boards for the Audio Crafters Guild "Super
Symmetric Power Supply" that I puchased from Norm a year or two
ago.....I cant seem to find documentation(schematics, parts list,
etc..). I believe its a stable power supply for his XDAC.

I need to start buiding it for a dac project. All contact info for
Audio Crafters Guild via the web is stale or down.

If anyone has any info on the "Super Symmetric Power Supply " or how
to contact Norm Tracy please email me at or

Darn, the ACG site does seem to be down. I really liked that site.. and the SSPS was a nice little design. Well, i seem to recall having downloaded the SSPS info (schem, pcb layout and BOM) at some point only I can't seem to find it right now. I could have it at the office... if I find it, I'll let you know.
Hi fmak,

One of the reasons I contacted Norman was to order a pair of SSPS; I'll let you know how they sound!

The chokes are 'CMC's or common mode chokes designed to block out capacitivily coupled noise that makes it through the transformer. They are often used in digital work where their high leakage inductance filters out RF noise... the result will be quieter backgrounds, better detail and definition.



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Bob.Obo said:
Hi fmak,

One of the reasons I contacted Norman was to order a pair of SSPS; I'll let you know how they sound!

The chokes are 'CMC's or common mode chokes designed to block out capacitivily coupled noise that makes it through the transformer. They are often used in digital work where their high leakage inductance filters out RF noise... the result will be quieter backgrounds, better detail and definition.



Theory apart, not necessarilly sonically better. My own experience points to low noise, low source impedance as prerequisites. Inductances and resistances do not help; they seem to suppress dynamics. Pl post your assessment.
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