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Assemblage ST40 Amp kit parts

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I have for sale the makings of an Assemblage ST40 tube push pull amplifier kit. This is the same amplifier as the Anthem Amp 1. What is included is a set of power and output transformers custom wound for the designer of the Anthem amp (a personal friend). The power transformer has end bells, while the output transformers do not. Also included is the PCB for the Assemblage kit, the main filtering caps, and a complete construction manual including parts list. This amp is rated at 40watts, but is good for up to 50 watts easily. The original kit sold for $799US. I'm asking $350US for the parts that I have. All you have to add is a bunch of resistors, some small coupling caps, a couple or misc. rectifiers etc, and some tube sockets and tubes (I have a new quartet of EL34 tubes available for purchase to the buyer of the amp kit.) You'll also need to fashion some sort of chassis. If you want a great little amp for a great price, this is it 🙂 The extra parts that you need shouldn't be too expensive, especially if you order from digikey. I'll offer as much help as I can in locating parts.

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