Archeology ..... or, the Holy Grail - Pass style!

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"Wear safety glasses...." as Nelson also points in his ZEN articles : )

This one looks like it has been gathering dust for some time and I wouldn't much trust the electrolytics. They might "let out some steam" or literally explode.

I once blew up a much smaller cap, but what a BOOM.

Once I used an old cap, it was dry but I didnt know it was, and i pug it in... BAM!! I was looking like a chicken with all that paper (or something similar..) from the cap on me and it was on the walls, now iam using all new caps, except for the ones I know how old are they...
Wisdom After The Event

Mark, there was discussion here recently about running up old gear on a variac in short stages over a few days to allow electros to reform safely, elsewise you are risking high leakage currents causing internal heating and gas pressure and explosion. might help.
Modern electros have a y shaped weakness on the top of the can and this allows these caps to expire gracefully.
Electros with smooth tops can be dangerous, as Peter can testify.
Over the years I have installed caps in reverse and caused cap explosions.
The can really does come off at bullet speed and if it hits a hard surface will mushroom or flatten - I nowadays habitually stand back with my head turned away at switch on - so far I have not been hit but I have had some really close shaves in the past.
Sorry to hear about you learning the hard way Peter, and your advice of safety glasses is good advice.


I finished wiring. Turned on. Wow…what a nice sound!
Heck…? whenever I stepped up and down the attenuator
for the volume control, I heard the sound, “click!…click!…”
It was funny and strange. It was a new thing.
To fix the trouble, I looked over into the launched Zen V2,
for a close inspection of details of wiring arrangement,
without wearing the safety goggles.
Then, suddenly all happened!

A poor man was lazy in checking the correct polarities
of + and – of the output coupling capacitor.

I however comfort myself.
Even Mr Nelson P…hahaha. Even the artificial-lens-eye Pet…D…hahaha.

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