Anyone tweaked the Marantz CD65DX ??

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Well, the Net doesn't seem to have heard of this model 🙁

I'm looking for cheap tweaks for starters - I have the manual & diags. There's lot's of stuff out there for the CD63/67 etc. How do these relate to the CD65DX?

This player sounds poor particularly on low level signals. Unmusical too. Harshness on many female vocals. It's circa mid 80's I beleive, purchased in the UK.



[Edited by peted on 10-26-2001 at 04:18 PM]
I also own that one...tweaked a bit


Don´t know how much I can help- try the non-oversampling modifications that have been discussed on Audioasykum and here. The player uses the classic chipset. I wanted to, really but could not get the transport out with ease (somehow complicated this...)

In my unit the opamps have been replaced, this has been done by a friend- I won´t recommend these types but there must be potential
Remove the muting resitors, this is recommended from my experience with a cd67, my cd65 has not got any any more, the said friend claims it did help in this case too. You will here a popping noise when switching the unit on /off then, though.

He did also replace the output coupling caps with good quality foil Siemens MKL (ppfilm/cellulose mix) Others may be too transparent.

----just my two cent, there is a lot money spent on those non oversampling modfcations by others.., I would take these as a first place issue

Btw This guy who sold the unit to me always said it was his most beloved player, and he always wanted to place it -once- in a good sounding wood enclosure

kind regards
peted said:
Well, the Net doesn't seem to have heard of this model 🙁

I'm looking for cheap tweaks for starters - I have the manual & diags. There's lot's of stuff out there for the CD63/67 etc. How do these relate to the CD65DX?

This player sounds poor particularly on low level signals. Unmusical too. Harshness on many female vocals. It's circa mid 80's I beleive, purchased in the UK.



[Edited by peted on 10-26-2001 at 04:18 PM]

Don;t think it would be worth your while over the long term -- you may find that just when (if) you get it sounding OK, the transport mechanism will give up on you. The model looks like it is getting on a bit, and those mechanisms don;t last forever. So I doubt it would be worth putting any money into it. However there are some cheap tweaks that may be worth trying -- like damping and so on.

Pburke has a nice site with documented CD/DVD player mods: (look at the Toshiba & Cambridge audio mods).

Then you might like to look at bypassing the output stage or something.
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