Anyone Try the New MiniDSP 2x4 Hd?

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Looking for feedback on the new HD version of the MiniDSP 2x4. Haven't been able to locate many reviews or comments. Considering purchasing one for a simple OB Full-Range with subwoofer project I'm constructing. Appears to be just what I'm looking for, but would like some feedback on it performance.

How does it sound? Can anyone compare it to the Nanodigi or original MiniDSP 2x4?
Thanks, slhijb
It's quite a bit more versatile and powerful than the original 2x4 unit. Digital inputs, USB streaming, FIR filter capability, etc, etc, etc.
With regard to the subjective'd have to make that determination yourself with identical setups in both cases. IMO, it certainly doesn't sound any worse.

I read in the manuac its compliant with RC6, Sony, NEC remote systems. The apple remote is a NEC - would be nice.

Thanks for that.

I guess logitech would work also?

It has an IR receiver so you can switch sources remotely and I guess digital volume, but will you be able to adjust the volume on the analog source with remote?

How good would the DAC be? Is there a way of improving it or running a better one through the toslink?

Just wondering if I could do away with a analog preamp and run my 2 sources (turntable and squeeze box) direct.

Pity the cords come in at the front to, makes it hard to set up, guess I could make a box and reroute the leads to the back.
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MiniDSP very rarely talk about future products. A number of people have asked for a balanced version. I would love to see a balanced 2x4 DL (ie also with Dirac). If you want to register your interest best to post something on MiniDSP's own forum.
I went ahead and replaced a 2X4 with the 2X4HD. However, I have a problem trying to reconfigure on the fly. Commonly, changing things results in a lot of static/fuzz in the signal. Even after bypassing whatever changes I've made. The only way I've found to sort it out, is to revert to factory settings, unplug, and synchronize upon replug... Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but everything used to work fine with my approach and the original model.
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