Anyone have a good DCX2496 EEPROM?

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Hey all, need a DCX2496 EEPROM. v1.15 or v1.16 would be perfect....does not matter...

I have a bunch of blank EEPROMS, but have not been able to flash them to the DCX, so I need one good one...the only one I have is shot (won't store any info...but boots)

Let me know if you have one available.

I dont want anything but for shipping. Pm my your address and i find out how much it will be. I think it will be cheaper than shipping if i buy empty chips here than if you send they here. It will be 1.16 /it is in my DCX - i dont have other/
Got It!

HA!! Finally got it. I have now successfully burned four v1.17 firmwares and they have been playing in my DCX2496 (originally came with v1.16) for 24 hours straight. Could not find a full v1.16 dump (only partial .bin), so I used a v1.17 and it worked perfectly...

Anyway, if anyone needs an EEPROM to fix a bricked DCX2496, give me a shout.
dcx2496 ultradrive

I need an eprom for my bricked ultradrive when switched on it freezes on startup logo I found that if you hold button a on power up it goes into some sort of upgrade mode? But won't talk to my pc using rs232 cable anyone help? Thanks in advance
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