Anybody own ESS PS 8H?

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I have a pair of the large AMTs that the wires from the diaphragm are short and though they are not attached now I can see where the 4 push button clips that made the circuit with the wires from the crossover and diaphragm were glued. Since this looks like the only early AMT that was covered I figure this pair came from a PS8H pair.
My question is how were the AMTs put in the cabinets and were the wires clipped into the 4 way terminal on top or on the bottom of the AMT? The others I have the 4 way clip is inside the lip of the bottom triangular space. The ones I think came from a PS8H have the clip glued to the back top or bottom and the wires from the diaphragm will only reach that far.
I plan on using these to go on top of another pair to do basically from 10K and up driven by a SE EL-34. The AMTs on the bottom will go from 800 to 10K and I have some early Altec 416s to go from 20 to 800. I sure hope it sounds good.

I start ripping CDs next.
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