And another interesting Ebay item

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Big but maybe not too intrusive. For £26 I'd give them a go, seem like a bargain. In fact I'd bid if I didn't have tons of other speakers lying around already!

Richie, one day there will be an Audioholics Anonymous web site for people like us! 😀

You get a lot of drivers for your money although I think you have to collect them from London. 🙁
:att'n: too true nuuk😉 only wish l could restrain myself from buying tt's and such, at last count l had 6 of the damnd things cluttering up my little apartm 't all this to transcribe a handfull of lp's to cd.... seems when you catch the bug it's almost as hard to vean yourself off as it is to give up smoking:xeye: and l'll have to make a start on my long dreamt of chipamp, just a matter of pulling my finger out and getting stuck into it, but it is easier nowadays for me to dream of doing it since my stroke a couple of years back:smash: cheers T.C.
My problem is when I find something that I know is good, and then I see it on Ebay with hardly any bids, it's very difficult not to place a silly bid on it!

I bought a second Philips CD723 on Ebay for eleven pounds last week. It is a backup for the one I use in my main system. Then I saw another going at ten pounds and only just stopped myself bidding again!

Sorry to hear about your stroke TC. Are you fully recovered yet?
That's the trouble with bargains. Those speakers say to me "£26 is nothing and I'd like to try OB, heck for £26 even pickup from London isn't so bad" 😀 Trouble is not only do I have other speaker bargains lying around but also a few stacks of drive units from the Maplin Audax closeout! And being a minimalist all that clutter is difficult to keep under control.
:xeye: no nuuk not fully recovered , just lopsided as it affected my l/h side and ballance initially, thank god l can get around without too much trouble, thouhj the loss of my drivers licence because of it was quite catastrophic as down here in the antipodes, having no car is akin to being chopped off at the knees, despite which l still drive around, just short trips, locally, to the shopping centre, cheers T.C.
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