I got one of these boards in unused/new condition from the first time Frex made the boards, but lost interest in building my oscillator. It's the same board that Frex is running the 3rd group buy round on:
[3rd round] AN67 Ultra-low THD 10kHz sine oscillator PCB Group buy. - diyAudio
First response gets it for 27USD shipping included.
[3rd round] AN67 Ultra-low THD 10kHz sine oscillator PCB Group buy. - diyAudio
First response gets it for 27USD shipping included.
I am home just now, but I did not manage to contact the treasurer of our DIY group to make the transfer, etc. Please give me another day. I'll SMS him early tomorrow morning. Friday evening is a bit difficult to contact people.
I don't want to drag on too long, in case you want to sell to someone else.
Thx for the patience,
I don't want to drag on too long, in case you want to sell to someone else.
Thx for the patience,
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